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[Gracia CT.2.2 L2J] L2BVX


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This is a new SERVER....Server started : 19.11.09


Server Gracia part 2


Rate Server:

RateXp = 4

RateSp = 4.5

RateQuestsReward = 6

RateQuestsDrop = 4

RateQuestsDropProf = 4

RateClanRepScore = 6

RateDropAdena = 4

RateDropItems = 6

RateDropCommonItems = 1

RateDropAdenaParty = 1

RateDropItemsParty = 1

RateXpParty = 1.25

RateSpParty = 1.25

RateDropSpoil = 6

RateManor = 3

RateFishDropCount = 6

RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 4


Special setting:

AutoLoot PK.

AutoBAN L2Walker.

Blue Champion:

10x HP, 3x drop, 1.15x p.Atk.

Red Champion:

HP 50x, 10x drop, 1.5 x p.Atk.


. password - change password ingame.

. lock - locks the acc IP

. cfg-personalized (lootherb, exp, and others).

. whoami - detailed information on their character.

. offline - offline activation mode, even after reboot the server.

. repair - correct figure on the same account.

.gettask / .decilinetask - random assignment.

. status - displays the time to restart, the number online.

. km-all-to-me - to call all members of the clan leader for 200k.

Mail to comunityboard.




WebSite: CZ


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