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[Rate]SuperMario sign


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Hello my friends.My br0 holysmoke request me a sig.So i make it for him.










Rate it plz.I want to tell me if you like it or not and why.Thanks

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well i really like the render it fits with the bg i like the lighting from all the sig and i dont like the text and the /////

i rate it 8/10

Thanks for your comment.About text what do you mean?The font?The color?What?

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well i really like the render it fits with the bg i like the lighting from all the sig and i dont like the text and the /////

i rate it 8/10

font+color change the fonts to deker or something else better than this and put some lighting in the text

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V2 Added.Rate plz

ehm like i said in my other post change the fonts add something more better because with this font you cant see the text very well or make it a bit darker to be able to see good the text...

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V3 Added

yea dude thats more like it as before but still i dont like the fonts:P but anyway keep it as it is...



edit: i mean the font ehm the letters of the sig make it with another style that is what i mean...

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yea dude thats more like it as before but still i dont like the fonts:P but anyway keep it as it is...

I don't know what do you want man.Explain me better.Anyway thanks for your comments

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V4 looks 100% different..

The other 3 ones, are really bad looking.. Just all this light, bad text, etc.


The v4 is not perfect (I do not like sigs with 438963 c4ds) and the render's size is a bit big, but anyone can realise that it is way better than the others..

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