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well the first signature is quite good , but u destroyed with those purple,blue lines :/ about 2nd i like the bg but the girl sux :P

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Triboli can u post the link of the 1st render ? Thanks in advance!

no man...cause i have it in my gallery...i cant search now...but i think you can find it here.... http://www.planetrenders.net/

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Sucky text.

Only at the second sig it is a bit better (but still not the best).


What the heck are these weird lines?

They make everything worse than they are..


Bad renders as well..

WTF is this at the first render? o.O I hope that you didn't put it...


From all these, I can understand that you are a newbie.

So, this background is a good start for you.


Keep Reading guides mate.

Good Luck!

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Sucky text.

Only at the second sig it is a bit better (but still not the best).


What the heck are these weird lines?

They make everything worse than they are..


Bad renders as well..

WTF is this at the first render? o.O I hope that you didn't put it...


From all these, I can understand that you are a newbie.

So, this background is a good start for you.


Keep Reading guides mate.

Good Luck!


please dont kill me!

i am a good guy!


Is this a way you speak at a newbie man?

Dont be so bad!

Cause you are an old member that doesnt mean that you are pro or anythink...i am not telling this only for you but for the whole forum... everyone think that cause he has more than 700-800 posts and some karma are pro and those who are newbie dont know anythink!

You make the "newbie" fill horrible with posts like that man!you crashing him!

pfff...i wish you can undestand what i am trying to say!

you could just tell me that is a good try but not very good...try do ......... and it will be better!


Sorry about that...but it's the trouth of this forum!

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No, it's not the truth, it is the stupidity of some immature people.

First learn to read what people tell. I neither insulted you, nor threatened you.


If you ask to be criticised, then you must learn to accept both sides; The good one, where everyone will congratulate you, and the bad one (which I do not consider bad) from which people tell their opinions about what they do not like.


I told you the minuses of your sig in order to improve your skills.

If you want to continue making these "pieces of art" (?), then keep doing. But when you ask for comments, you will learn to accept them ALL.


If you do not want tips and advice, then just show what you've made and nothing else.

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No, it's not the truth, it is the stupidity of some immature people.

First learn to read what people tell. I neither insulted you, nor threatened you.


If you ask to be criticised, then you must learn to accept both sides; The good one, where everyone will congratulate you, and the bad one (which I do not consider bad) from which people tell their opinions about what they do not like.


I told you the minuses of your sig in order to improve your skills.

If you want to continue making these "pieces of art" (?), then keep doing. But when you ask for comments, you will learn to accept them ALL.


If you do not want tips and advice, then just show what you've made and nothing else.

you didnt give me any tips man!

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Well, any logic person, receives the bad comments, as things that he should get rid off.

When I tell you that these weird lines destroy the sig, you should obviously remove them..



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Pff,Seems so RIPPED!

First of all it's really strange to make a nice basic b/g and not be able to make a worthy text...

Seems like ripping job...

Anyway let's skip that damned part...

I will first state my opinion about ur flame war with coyote.

You ask for some godamned rates,don't you?

Since you do everybody here reserves the full right to judge your signature in any way he wants to...You can't avoid this...

You should not flame coyote,you should listen what he says....He wouldn't loose a shit,you would just get a bit improved...

If you want to stay silly just forget what I said...

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