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Server is Sux!!!!!!! Noone will join anymore!!!! Cause All have been removed from The Server.... Let Duracell play alone with their Net Members.... a0xax0x0ax0x0ax0a.... From the 1st time i was Admin in gracia final server was bad.... Every time was down..... Only for 2 days was online and not with a lot of members.....


Just SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thousand sorry j1maras22 but you are admin to a sux server.....





dude athebaldt stayed live for a long time and even without donation. ppl came and left, new will come.

If you don't like it why you stress yourself. Just go find another one. If you can find.


dude athebaldt stayed live for a long time and even without donation. ppl came and left, new will come.

If you don't like it why you stress yourself. Just go find another one. If you can find.


dude nice words

that's the truth.


If the server DON'T DO WIPE me and my friend will be on. But now is more difficult to call player's to join your server but i thing you will get them back :). If you can awnswer to me ((If the server DON'T DO WIPE me and my friend will be on))Tell it me to know it :P


They don't wipe.


How much sure are you and you tell that they will not wipe.... I remember that Duracell was wiped more than 5 times per week.... :S for any kind of Master server's problem..... I think that he need to buy a New one!....


The server need more fixes!!For example : When you try to do dance/songs from Npc,u get DC.Titanium set are usefull..The best armors are C4 armors.All the clans has beed deleted..


The server need more fixes!!For example : When you try to do dance/songs from Npc,u get DC.Titanium set are usefull..The best armors are C4 armors.All the clans has beed deleted..

you target npc buffer you start take some buffs. You move your char or target any other char(the buff panel is still remaining) you continue buffs.

This give you dc.

another example smth like this is with shops. you target shop to buy smth. the panel is opened. then by lagg you target another NPC or other shop and it dc you by sending a mesage, mostly: illegal action. GM will be informed. Some ppl in my server were getting auto-ban for this. :P


Server is ok now but the server need

more fixes!!For example : When you try to do dance/songs from Npc,u get DC.Titanium set are usefull..The best armors are C4 armors.All the clans has beed deleted..


I told you all guys.That's not a completely server.... And have a lot of problems etc..... I don't think that anyone can spend his time in this server..... Maxcheaters server is More balanced and protected from bugs server than L][Athebaldt.....



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