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Some help!!



hi all .i have a problem. i have my own server gracia final but gracia final skills don't work and the 2nd problem is that forgotten scrool ,scrool of escape: castel,clanhall etc  dont work. it said not handled .so if someone can give me the files with gracia final skills all working and the file with forgotten scrools work and scrol of escape etc or if u know the problem just said to me

thank you very much



and another problem is that i cant see drop list at some mobs i edited them with drop with 4 items(but i put at the 1st itme category 2 at the second i put category 2 and etc ...) and them i could saw the drop list what u put when u put drop at some mobs (the id for that item ,min max,and at category what u put ?i want to drop all the items i put there in the same time not 1 now another 1 in next kill all at the same time 4 items) pls help me thx

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but for the 2nd problem i cant see the drop list now i click on drop list and it showes nothing :|



and man for the 1st problem can u give me the file with gracia final skills but working because in my srv some dont work like hide im not invisible when i use it only semi invisible and all can see me:|


and for forgotten scrool items and for all scrools for teleporting can u give me etcitem but the good one ?:D thx u

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