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[Share] The Big Collection Of Websites

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Hi guys,

I have for you great share ( I think so ) it`s The Big Collection Of Websites !

You will find here 41 Templates ( server`s sites , user`s sites etc. ) .

I think you will like it  :P




####/ Server Sites \####

1 )    L2Avalon (539 kb)         || [iurl=###] Preview [/iurl]

2 )    L2Brahma (9 486 kb)       || Preview

3 )    L2Carbon (513 kb)         || Preview

4 )    L2Eratia (1 267 kb)       || Preview

5 )    L2Eternal (717 kb)        || Preview

6 )    L2EuroWorld (604 kb)      || Preview

7 )    L2Ex (754 kb)             || Preview

8 )    L2G-OldSchool (930 kb)    || Preview

9 )    L2Lithuania (1 222 kb)

10 )   L2Osiris (1 025 kb)

11 )   L2Pride (1 255 kb)      

12 )   L2RaceSupremacy (1 075 kb)|| Preview

13 )   L2Renegade (239 kb)       || Preview

14 )   L2SavageGarden (4 642 kb) || Preview

15 )   L2Symbiosis (1 409 kb)    || Preview

16 )   L2Vampire (12 137 kb)

17 )   L2ViciousRage (729 kb)    || Preview

18 )   L2TehGamers (1 272 kb)    || Preview

19 )   L2WarOfRaces (434 kb)     || Preview

20 )   L2Relapse (692 kb)        || Preview

21 )   L2Loyal (1 964 kb)        || Preview

22 )   L2Dust (1 951 kb)         || Preview

23 )   L2Kass (397 kb)           || Preview

24 )   L2Dismay (809 kb)         || Preview

25 )   L2Cerberus (5 016 kb)     || Preview

26 )   L2Cyber (919 kb)

27 )   FateL2 (1 993 kb)

28 )   L2Uprising (333 kb)

29 )  L2Demonik (5 016 kb)      || Preview

30 )  L2Utopia (5 016 kb)




####/ User Sites \####

1 )    Website I (2 270 kb)

2 )    Website II (6 371 kb)

3 )    Website III (2 878 kb)

4 )    Website IV (3 311 kb)     || Preview

5 )    Website V (392 kb)        || Preview

6 )    Website VI (2 072 kb)

7 )    Website VII (196 kb)

8 )    Website VIII (64 kb)

9 )    Website IX (81 kb)        || Preview

10 )   Website X (678 kb)

11 )   Website XI (4 709 kb)




####/ VoteWeb Sites \####

1 )    VoteWeb I (986 kb)        || Preview

2 )    VoteWeb II (2 360 kb)     || Preview

3 )    VoteWeb III (416 kb)      || Preview [/pre]




####/ Forum Templates \####

1 )    Template I (5 069 kb)     || [iurl=###] Preview [/iurl]

2 )    Template II (4 446 kb)    || [iurl=###] Preview [/iurl]





####/ Java Sites \####

1 )    MadWeb v.6 (30 466 kb)    || [iurl=###] Preview [/iurl]




####/ Full Packs \####

1 )    Server Sites Pack (45 203 kb)

2 )    User Sites Pack (22 767 kb)

3 )    VoteWeb Sites Pack (3 761kb)

4 )    Forum Templates Pack (8 813 kb)




It`s my full collection , if You want some news websites who`s I don't have tell me here or on pm ;)

Sorry for my English...

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sorry for double post...



~!~ Updates ~!~


* added some of screens [preview options]

* added packs of sites [without preview options]

* edited some of links


~!~ Updates ~!~



I think this topic will gone to be sticked ;P waht is yours opinion ?

Sorry for my English...


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sorry for double post...


~!~ Updates ~!~

* added some of screens [preview options]

* added some new sites [with and without preview options]

* edited some of links


~!~ Updates ~!~

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Lineage II Dismay © website designed and coded by Kumo. All rights reserved.


you think that u are allowed to copy my work u son of a bitch? cant create own site so need to copy-paste some others work? poor kid...


you didnt even gave a credits asshole.


admins please remove my site from that list. thx.


Try to add websties with psd included. But thx for this big share.


he dont even have PSD files since he just copied work of other ppl that lose DAYS to make special sites.


PS.: you are dead.

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It`s my full collection , if You want some news websites who`s I don't have tell me here or on pm

Sorry for my English...


Gave you -1 karma. Give credits for the websites (you stole) next time.

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