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[HELP] Azuregaming Dual boxing

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Hi all!


I just wanted to know if anyone has figured out how to dual box on the same computer. I've tried different methods but none has worked. Also i've searched the site and i've seen no topics posted about this. Be interesting to see if anyone has figured out how to do so.


The website of the server is www.azuregaming.net


The client is also C5


Thanks all. Don't let me down  ;)

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Maybe you never heard about this, but Azuregaming has the "best"(?????????) protection?


i don't think you will be abble to dual box there, before you could use sand box, but that Girl/woman ( i forgot her name) she was  GM and she catched some people from EU dualboxing and guess what?---» [Press there]» ( BAN ?)

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Maybe you never heard about this, but Azuregaming has the "best"(?????????) protection?


i don't think you will be abble to dual box there, before you could use sand box, but that Girl/woman ( i forgot her name) she was  GM and she catched some people from EU dualboxing and guess what?---» [Press there]» ( BAN ?)


Yes i'm aware that the server has good protection but alot of people do surprise me these days with their hacking. Plus what is sand box? It does ring a bell.

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Yes i'm aware that the server has good protection but alot of people do surprise me these days with their hacking. Plus what is sand box? It does ring a bell.


Sand box is such a program who allows you to open "dual box" at protected servers, but now at Azure gaming they made a protection that if you got SandBox installed at your computer, no matter where, he detects it, and it don't allow you to execute l2.exe...


Don't burn you good brain trying open dualbox, you wont be abble to do it, trust me

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Sand box is such a program who allows you to open "dual box" at protected servers, but now at Azure gaming they made a protection that if you got SandBox installed at your computer, no matter where, he detects it, and it don't allow you to execute l2.exe...


Don't burn you good brain trying open dualbox, you wont be abble to do it, trust me


Meh it was worth an ask. I thought it would be an hard task to ask for on these forums. I'm sure someone out there knows but hey i wouldn't blame them for not posting it as it can be fixed in no time.


Oh well, i tried lol.

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Meh it was worth an ask. I thought it would be an hard task to ask for on these forums. I'm sure someone out there knows but hey i wouldn't blame them for not posting it as it can be fixed in no time.


Oh well, i tried lol.

Don't take it serious, but when the people don't know they just: "don't repost" ; "Or just ignore"


I always try to help other people in this case i just can tell you, you wont be abble to do that, trust me.. maybe you knew [EU] clan/ally ? They know what they do, and they also know when the programs work or not,... My brother was one of the [EU] members.. the admin banned them due dual boxing.. There is one Woman/girl dunno her name anymore.. She is usually online checking the IPs, dobble IP will result in Ban, now if some onee know one way to dual box there, well GoGo but she catches you --» say byebye you're char/Ip..


They really know how to protect their server, i am not licking admins/Gms balls cuz i don't give a shit to their server, also never played there... Only know this things from my brother.


Good luck with searching ;)

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Don't take it serious, but when the people don't know they just: "don't repost" ; "Or just ignore"


I always try to help other people in this case i just can tell you, you wont be abble to do that, trust me.. maybe you knew [EU] clan/ally ? They know what they do, and they also know when the programs work or not,... My brother was one of the [EU] members.. the admin banned them due dual boxing.. There is one Woman/girl dunno her name anymore.. She is usually online checking the IPs, dobble IP will result in Ban, now if some onee know one way to dual box there, well GoGo but she catches you --» say byebye you're char/Ip..


They really know how to protect their server, i am not licking admins/Gms balls cuz i don't give a shit to their server, also never played there... Only know this things from my brother.


Good luck with searching ;)


Yeah i understand where your coming from. But i've been very exprience with retail server (5 years +) and loads of other servers with high protection with very high active GM's. The funny things is that the server is filled with dual boxers. The GM's will only take action if you are so blantly ''cheating'' and also have a very high advantage over other players.


And most of all if your very well known on the server too. If you keep a low profile, be nice to players and don't dual box in very high populated areas or very clever dual boxing such as logging in your buffer, buff and then logged the buffer out.


Theres little things out there that will stop you from getting banned. I got a friend whos dual boxed for ages on this server and never had a GM problem since. You just need to use your head :)

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so u cant play in netcafes in this server? all pcs have the same ip so ur fvcked up, lol (at least in my country all pcs have the same ip, cause they use the same connection or 2 connections for all netcafe)

ps: whats the error msg u get when trying to dualbox?

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