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[HELP] Can't save itemname-e.dat???

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Hi everyone! I got an interlude system folder, and a fileedit for interlude. I want to change some lines at "itemname-e.dat" file. I open the file with my L2 FileEdit for Interlude - it works, I can see everything > I change the line - and when I want to save it, it says " ... don't find the file " ...

I've tryed to save it with another name, or open it from somewhere else, but nothing worked :S I really need to edit this file for my server, so if you guys know what to do, pls post  :-[

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When you save it; try to search the original itemname-e.dat from your patched system, and click it, so the saved file will get exactly the same name, and thus will overwrite it.


You could also try different patched system/file edit. These work for sure: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0


I hope this helps.

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Why all those ppls from Client Mod Help section doesn't remember that ?! ::) First patch Your system folder or get whole folder from MxC then mod it !

I misread; I though he mentioned he had a patched system, but he just said 'interlude system'.
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The original *.dat files (from system folder) CAN be opened using L2FileEditor, CAN be changed as well, but CAN'T be saved with changes ! So I thing that You are trying to edit original *.dat files ! You should get PATCHED SYSTEM FOLDER to save the modification !


Why all those ppls from Client Mod Help section doesn't remember that ?! ::) First patch Your system folder or get whole folder from MxC then mod it !

LOL.. "Why all those ppls from Client Mod Help section doesn't remember that ?!" well simply coz this is something that u made up! how can u open an UNpatched .dat with file edit ?? coz i sure cant.... it doesnt even make any sense. dont confuse ppl!  :P

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N-O ... Y-O-U... C-A-N-T !!


i installed IL and part 2 clients just to make sure that u cant open the .dat files without patching them <.< and im 100% correct.


how many times do i have to say that :/

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I have a PATCHED interlude folder, with changed "itemname-e.dat" file... I can open it, but can not save it :S and I know some other ppl, who can do that too :S whats the matter?

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I have a PATCHED interlude folder, with changed "itemname-e.dat" file... I can open it, but can not save it :S and I know some other ppl, who can do that too :S whats the matter?

The input lines are somehow wrong is a possibility: Have you tried opening it (itemname-e.dat) and directly saving it with File Edit, without editing it?


And have you tried yet what I suggested?

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let me know if this is the problem:D u open itemname-e.dat,u add some lines from a mod,but when u save it the program gives u a error and delete the file,right?if yes i am 99% sure that u did copy wrong,what i mean?u must copy the lines correctly and adding them correctly,there must be no space and also try check if the ID that u are using for the mod is already used by another item..let me know if i was right:)


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i got the same problem and i am using a "patched" system i can open itemname-e.dat

but then when i put sth and try to save it it just dissapears.

But if i just open it and then try to save it without any change it works :S

any solution? (gracia ct 2.3 client)

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nope. i am not trying to add "dark epic" i am trying to add a weapon called "thunder Bow" :P

So the problem is the "thunder bow".... damn it it was a cool weap  :-\

Anyway thanks for your help...Oh btw i got the same problem with the "Gm Armor"

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0 775581 1 1 15 2 0 LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp LightBow.Final 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i00 -1 1650 47 1 0 0 1 7 5 1 LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp 1 1 LightBow.Final 4 ItemSound.bow_small_2 ItemSound.bow_small_3 ItemSound.bow_small_6 ItemSound.bow_big_2 ItemSound.itemdrop_bow ItemSound.itemequip_bow 5 581 132 6 5 12 -3 0 0 0 293 11 1 1 1000 1 -1 0 LineageEffect.bo_ice_fairy_co 0.00000000 -3.00000000 0.00000000 1.20000005 1.20000005 LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.60000002 1.29999995 1.29999995 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 8 -1 -1 -1


Here you go :)

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