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Who can help with Balloni code http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=47545.0  When I try click on item I get this error.


Watch codes sets in right places.

http://img145.imageshack.us/i/balloni.jpg/     Balloni.htm I changet in this photo.


Please help me.If have working code please share or write comment how to repair this error.

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Man can show yuor htm code <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Balloni">Teleport</a>

This is problem.Can paste yuor ? This code don't work.


LOOOL you really thought it can be a magic gem?you cant do a bypass like this with such an easy stuff :)

with that code you can just open 1 html page and thats all

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Can yuo share 1 html page which working,If yuo can.What is htm code on this script ? In guide write bolset.You need to create a bypass HTLM like  <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Balloni">Teleport</a> ............... Its not me words.

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Can yuo share 1 html page which working,If yuo can.What is htm code on this script ?


man you dont understand you CANT make magic gem like that.

This item open 1 htm file no link and such stuff only 1 htm file like a .info command.

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I undertand good,I want open 1  htm file.But don't work


No you dont you want it like click on item than htm appears and from that links thats why you pasted here a teleported bypass which is invalid BTW how make an npc bypass on item :)

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I don't want it like click on item than htm appears and from that links thats.I want click on item then open html message.


for me it works with the code i pasted before so i really dont understand why its not work you i alredy posted here the code which is working for me

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I get message,data\html\teleporter balloni.htm write there is problem.But I don't understand how can be this....


show me the htm file and make sure its located in the correct folder

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