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[Beta Rate-Help]Our School Poster.


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i really need your experience and imagination about this poster..

i want it Insane!


last years the other classes took one A4 paper and he write only the text (you know date,entrance etc.)

last year i make a poster with a girl :)

And at this school year all classes make posters with images about girls etc.


this is the beta i have make.


rate and tell our opinions for a better poster



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Well it's pretty cool for a school poster...

BTW don't tell your friends that u used a stock.Let 'em go mad!

I can see that you added borders.It's a motherfuckin' school poster mate.It does not need borders(!).

Why there is no entrance fee?I mean i can see "Entrance:" but the amount of money needed is not mentioned.Gonna lol!

A LYKIOY text is a bit lame for a designer at your level!

Blur the picture a bit.Give it some depth as Keron would say!

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@MD i really like your comm but look.

2h ago i went and i printed it.

and wtf?



i dont know why...

dont tell me t change printer...

it's a printer with lazer...


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@MD i really like your comm but look.

2h ago i went and i printed it.

and wtf?



i dont know why...

dont tell me t change printer...

it's a printer with lazer...


Basically I think that it's paper's issue.I mean this can't be printed in normal paper.I think that you are going to need the one that we use in photos.BTW try with the printer of your school.You never know :S

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Basically I think that it's paper's issue.I mean this can't be printed in normal paper.I think that you are going to need the one that we use in photos.BTW try with the printer of your school.You never know :S

fucking teachers!

they cant give 1 euro for the prints...

they "send" us t print them alone at home or w/e..

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as i can see johnnie walker is your sponsor xD great job keep walking.

no johnnie walker is the surprise :)

but a lot of ppl understanding!

you are excepting!

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That's pretty good for a school poster. The wally is pretty awesome and I agree with MD's comments although I have to add 2 more things.

Uno-) The text needs a little bit work, not only the A LYKEIOU one.

Dos-) It lacks a focal point. I mean I don't know where to look, her boobs, her face, what? It's a little messy this way.

And from my personal experience I know your classmates will love it cause I guess they know shit about photoshop. Personally everything I made for those partys they were like "OMG wtf" although it pretty sucked :P. Good Job

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That's pretty good for a school poster. The wally is pretty awesome and I agree with MD's comments although I have to add 2 more things.

Uno-) The text needs a little bit work, not only the A LYKEIOU one.

Dos-) It lacks a focal point. I mean I don't know where to look, her boobs, her face, what? It's a little messy this way.

And from my personal experience I know your classmates will love it cause I guess they know shit about photoshop. Personally everything I made for those partys they were like "OMG wtf" although it pretty sucked :P. Good Job

today at school 47 boys and girls look my poster!!!!

3rd class of high school try t make something cool like me but //EPIC_FAIL!

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