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spammer with no life


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He just awnsers the questions. LOL


Btw check the topics:


Armor for destroyer

What is better

What do you think? Low or high rate

The best archer in l2

Best mage in l2

Dagger enchant 

The best dagger

Paladin vs warsmith

Best tank

You favorite mage

Who is the best dagger class for interlude

A love story

Poll soultaker vs Mystic muse


taking over that more than 70% of his posts are made at spam/offtopics, it just don't count any post..


Btw he just awnsered some questions..


That's my meaning ( dunno if the mods think the same )

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He just awnsers the questions. LOL


Btw check the topics:


Armor for destroyer

What is better

What do you think? Low or high rate

The best archer in l2

Best mage in l2

Dagger enchant 

The best dagger

Paladin vs warsmith

Best tank

You favorite mage

Who is the best dagger class for interlude

A love story

Poll soultaker vs Mystic muse


taking over that more than 70% of his posts are made at spam/offtopics, it just don't count any post..


Btw he just awnsered some questions..


That's my meaning ( dunno if the mods think the same )


yea but as you see he answers every 1 minute


and if you check , most of his answers are like ''saggi ofc'' , ''soultaker ftw'' , etc

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that's the awnser.. omg, i also awnsered like that.. i said Necro FTW, and am i spammer?



As good as i know i am not, but if you think i am..


you answered like that but one two topics , not the whole* page in 15 minutes

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He's ok, imho. His profile and his posts could be better, but you can't consider him as a spammer.


And btw, don't call people no-lifers. You don't even know what that means.


Thanks. (unlock it IF needed)

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