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Hi everyone,

here is some usefull SQL scripts (examples, you can edit them whatever you want) !


[glow=green,2,300]Thx to badriniki[/glow]

0 Weight for items/armors/weapons:

UPDATE `etcitem` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);

UPDATE `armor` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);

UPDATE `weapon` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);


Drop Adena 100%:

UPDATE `droplist` SET `chance`='1000000' WHERE `itemId`='57';


When you sell, everything will cost 0 adena:

UPDATE `armor` SET price=0 where price > 1;

UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where price > 1;

UPDATE `weapon` SET price=0 where price > 1;


Update all RaidBoss 5000k hp:

UPDATE `npc` SET `hp`='5000000' WHERE (SELECT id) AND npc.type='L2Raidboss';


Delete all mobs under 40 lvl:

DELETE spawnlist, npc FROM spawnlist, npc WHERE spawnlist.npc_templateid=npc.idTemplate AND npc.level<40 AND npc.type='L2Monster';


Delete all materials and recipes from db:

DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'material' OR item_type= 'recipe' );


Increase drop rate for recipes:

UPDATE droplist SET chance='1000000' WHERE id IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE type='recipe');


Delete characters and accounts if they do not connect for 3 months:

DELETE FROM characters WHERE lastAccess < 466560000;

DELETE FROM accounts WHERE lastactive < 466560000;


Add for all monsters in drop: Coins

insert into droplist (mobId, itemid, chance, min, max,category) select id, 4037, 1000000, 1, 1, 52 from npc where type='L2Monster';


Top No-Grade in start:(Need to modif for kamaels)

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, 'Human Fighter', 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, '1.1', '1.188', 9, 23, '1.1', '1.188', 8, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, 'Elf Fighter', 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 24, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 23, 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, 'DE Fighter', 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.14', '1.2312', 7, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, '1.06', '1.144800', 11.0, 28.0 ,1.06, '1.144800', 7.0, 27.0, 34, 26, 257, 0, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, 'Dwarf Fighter', 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 108512, -174026, -400, 1, '1.09', '1.487196', 9, 18, '1.09', '1.487196', 5, 19, 34, 26, 87, 4222, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, 'Human Mage', 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, '1.01', '0.87264', '7.5', '22.8', '1.01', '0.87264', '6.5', '22.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, 'Elf Mage', 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 24, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 23, 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, 'DE Mage', 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.03', '0.88992', 7, '23.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);

REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, 'Orc Mage', 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', 7, '27.5', '1.04', '0.89856', 8, '25.5', 1105, 1102, 257, 0, 5588);


Add RaidBoss jewels if you have deleted them:

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29001', '6660', '1', '1', '12', '300000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29006', '6662', '1', '1', '8', '300000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29014', '6661', '1', '1', '9', '300000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29022', '6659', '1', '1', '13', '1000000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29020', '6658', '1', '1', '2', '1000000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29019', '6656', '1', '1', '31', '1000000');

INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29028', '6657', '1', '1', '34', '1000000');


[glow=green,2,300]Thx to 1tm[/glow]

Delete all spellbooks from db:

DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'spellbook' );


Increases Guards (p.def, m.def, p.atk, hp) by 50%:

UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET patk = patk * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';


Decreases Raidboss defense by 40%:

UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';


All new player chars spawn loc:

UPDATE char_templates SET x=yourXcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET y=yourYcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET z=yourZcoordinate;


Increases all chars p.def/m.def by 10%:

UPDATE char_templates SET P_DEF = P_DEF * 1.1;
UPDATE char_templates SET M_DEF = M_DEF * 1.1;


Increases all chars speed by 20%:

UPDATE char_templates SET MOVE_SPD = MOVE_SPD * 1.2;


Increases all chars CP. At 20lv by 22%, at 40lv by 44%, at 76lv by 66%:

This one good one for longer pvps..

UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.66 WHERE class_lvl = '76';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.44 WHERE class_lvl = '40';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.22 WHERE class_lvl = '20';


MP rengerates 10 times more(unlimited mp):

Good one for high servers who has mp potions etc..

UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultmpmod = defaultmpmod * 10.0;


Teleports cost 0 adena:

UPDATE teleport SET price=0;


Create common item skill delete:

It used as bug at olympiad, with it you can buff with soes, mental dagers etc in secs...

DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1320;
DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1322;


Grade penality delete:

Disables grade penality...

DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 239;


Raidbosses always spawns with 70% hp:

More realistic that new spawned rb has not full hp. Good one for organized clans or parties...

UPDATE raidboss_spawnlist SET currentHp = currentHp * 0.7;


Dies adding price reduced to 5 adena (or increased to 100kk):

Good one for faction servers.

UPDATE henna SET price=5;

..or to 100kk (good one for high rates servers).

UPDATE henna SET price=100000000;


Newbie npc buffer buffes all buffs from 1lv to 62lv:

Really use full newbie characters to have all buffs from 1lv (if yuo want U may change upper level to 85, for daily bufer).

UPDATE helper_buff_list SET lower_level=1;
UPDATE helper_buff_list SET upper_level=62;


To enchant skill doesn't need exp/sp:

Good one for high rates servers or faction servers..

UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET sp=0;
UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET exp=0;


Auto server restart:

Every week..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "604800000", "86400000", "360");

Every two days..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "172800000", "86400000", "360");

Every 24h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "86400000", "86400000", "360");

Every 12h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "43200000", "43200000", "360");

Every 6h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "21600000", "21600000", "360");

Every 3h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "10800000", "10800000", "360");


[glow=green,2,300]Thx to lekino[/glow]

Custom Spawn in Giran Castle Town & items.(For Fighters Theca Leather Armor Set and Crystal Dagger .For Mystics Karmian Robe Set and Homunkulus's Sword)

UPDATE `char_templates` SET `x` = '83400',
`y` = '147943',
`z` = '-3404';
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =0 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =18 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =31 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =44 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =53 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =10 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =25 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =38 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =49 LIMIT 1 ;


Hope this will help you a little ;)


top non-grade sql script its not working for me


[Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
[Err] REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, 'Human Fighter', 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, '1.1', '1.188', 9, 23, '1.1', '1.188', 8, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully


any idea?


top non-grade sql script its not working for me


[Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
[Err] REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, 'Human Fighter', 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, '1.1', '1.188', 9, 23, '1.1', '1.188', 8, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully


any idea?

I think that script doesn't work for l2jserver, be cuz of it's has char_creation_items.sql.. so try use this one:


Wooden/Devotion set, best non weapons, soulshots pack, extra gloves/boots in start:


UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='736' WHERE itemId = 12753; 
-- kamael soe for simple soe (x10)

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='219' WHERE itemId = 10; 
-- starting dagger for Sword Breaker
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='311' WHERE itemId = 6; 
-- starting wand for Crucifix of Blessing
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='68' WHERE itemId = 2369; 
-- starting sword for Falchion
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='257' WHERE itemId = 2368; 
-- starting fists for Viper Fang
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='155' WHERE itemId = 2370; 
-- starting fists for Flanged Mace

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='1101' WHERE itemId = 425; 
-- starting mystics armor for Devotion armor
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='1104' WHERE itemId = 461; 
-- starting mystics armor for Devotion armor

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='23' WHERE itemId = 1146; 
-- starting fifghers armor for Wooden armor
UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='2386' WHERE itemId = 1147; 
-- starting fifghers armor for Wooden armor

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,43,1,'true'); 
-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,44,1,'true'); 
-- Devotion set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,44,1,'true'); 
-- Devotion set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,44,1,'true'); 
-- Devotion set helm
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,44,1,'true'); 
-- Devotion set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,5590,1,'true'); 
-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves id:51 - Bracer Gloves)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,51,1,'true'); 
-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,5250,2,'true'); 
-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,5262,1,'false'); 
-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,5262,1,'false'); 
-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,5262,1,'false'); 
-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)
INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,5262,1,'false'); 
-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)

I suggest to change want you doesn't want, for example at notepad change(ctrl+h) "squeaking shoes" for "Boots": change all "5590"  to "39" id items...  ;D


Delete all spellbooks from db:

DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'spellbook' );


Increases Guards (p.def, m.def, p.atk, hp) by 50%:

UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET patk = patk * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';


Decreases Raidboss defense by 40%:

UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';


All new player chars spawn loc:

UPDATE char_templates SET x=yourXcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET y=yourYcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET z=yourZcoordinate;


Increases all chars p.def/m.def by 10%:

UPDATE char_templates SET P_DEF = P_DEF * 1.1;
UPDATE char_templates SET M_DEF = M_DEF * 1.1;


Increases all chars speed by 20%:

UPDATE char_templates SET MOVE_SPD = MOVE_SPD * 1.2;



Increases all chars CP. At 20lv by 22%, at 40lv by 44%, at 76lv by 66%:

This one good one for longer pvps..

UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.66 WHERE class_lvl = '76';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.44 WHERE class_lvl = '40';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.22 WHERE class_lvl = '20';


MP rengerates 10 times more(unlimited mp):

Good one for high servers who has mp potions etc..

UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultmpmod = defaultmpmod * 10.0;


Teleports cost 0 adena:

UPDATE teleport SET price=0;



Create common item skill delete:

It used as bug at olympiad, with it you can buff with soes, mental dagers etc in secs...

DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1320;
DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1322;


Grade penality delete:

Disables grade penality...

DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 239;


Raidbosses always spawns with 70% hp:

More realistic that new spawned rb has not full hp. Good one for organized clans or parties...

UPDATE raidboss_spawnlist SET currentHp = currentHp * 0.7;


Dies adding price reduced to 5 adena (or increased to 100kk):

Good one for faction servers.

UPDATE henna SET price=5;

..or to 100kk (good one for high rates servers).

UPDATE henna SET price=100000000;


Newbie npc buffer buffes all buffs from 1lv to 62lv:

Really use full newbie characters to have all buffs from 1lv (if yuo want U may change upper level to 85, for daily bufer).

UPDATE helper_buff_list SET lower_level=1;
UPDATE helper_buff_list SET upper_level=62;


To enchant skill doesn't need exp/sp:

Good one for high rates servers or faction servers..

UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET sp=0;
UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET exp=0;


Auto server restart:

Every week..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "604800000", "86400000", "360");

Every two days..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "172800000", "86400000", "360");

Every 24h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "86400000", "86400000", "360");

Every 12h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "43200000", "43200000", "360");

Every 6h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "21600000", "21600000", "360");

Every 3h..

INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "10800000", "10800000", "360");

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    • Hello guys want to sell adena in L2 Reborn Signature x1  Stock =14kk good price 
    • Hi guys, I have the following problem, I want to set up two servers on the same dedicated server and I can't.   L2jacis 409 Linux Server. The first gameserver has the following configuration: # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/server1 Login = server1 Password = server1 I configured the second gameserver like this:   # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7788 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 2 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/server2 Login = server2 Password = server2 apart from having tested on the second gameserver I also tried In both cases I see the two servers in the login when I log in, but I try to enter the one with the lowest ping and it kicks me out. The other server always appears with ping 9999 and I try to enter but it doesn't do anything and it freezes the login so I have to log in again. The hexids are in their respective folders. For server 1, it has its hexid inside the gameserver config folder, and I checked that the hexid id is the same id, for example id 1 in the gameserver is also id1 for server 1, and hexid 2 has its hexid 2 for server 2. The server ports are open and listening when I turn on both gameservers. I really don't know what could be wrong. If you could give me some help I would appreciate it. Excuse my English.
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