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CSS Scripting is really easy, u can learn it very fast

Buyscript wors so:


bind "key" "ak47; m4a1"


Replace key with the key that u want to use and put in in ur config.


first i put it in userconfig.cfg....but in config.cfg is the command exec userconfig.cfg (exec = execute file or?) jet i test it with config.cfg and it still dont work


how long you are scripting css??? it stilll dont work -___- but jet it work when i press 1 but not on the Numbblock. Can it be that you have still some errors in your syntax?


I scripting for a long time but i need only some days to lurn how it works...

No my syntax is right if u want to use it on nummblock u must write a other key


bind "KP_END" "buy ak47; buy m4a1"


Here is a picture where u can see all keys: http://doc-zock.de/cskrams/Tastatur2.jpg


n1 I'll start scripting :P(cs1.6)

edit: What's the syntax to buy ammos???found it :P primammo; secammo

edit2: is there any .cfg that opens by it's self on the startup of the cs??

I wanna add what I've created :P(just a simple buy script)

Link http://rapidshare.com/files/43884044/god.cfg


NumPad 1= ak47/m4a1 and Primary Ammo & Set weapon Knife

NumPad 2= armor & Set weapon Knife

NumPad 3= deagle and Sec Ammo & Set weapon Knife

NumPad 4= Grenades & Set weapon Knife

NumPad 5= Awp and Deagle Primary/Secondary Ammo & Set weapon Knife

NumPad 0= Primary/Secondary ammo & Set weapon Knife


@ exitus its works fine thx^^


@ hax0r the config.cfg is starting automaticly when you start cs. In the Config.cfg are all binds etc. on the end is exec userconfig.cfg in this cfg you can write for example exec god.cfg . at the first time he starts config.cfg then userconfig.cfg and then your god.cfg and load all to config.cfg. Thats how i understood it.


I had a small CS scripting lesson from my friend^^ he is a realy freak XD


yes...I've heard something about userconfig.cfg but where the heck is it located?I've got Non-steam

Edit: w00ps sorry I thought userconfig.cfg but it's config.cfg :P. Finaly Found it, thnx for the help :P


So here's the structure...:




                                                        config.cfg(tells userconfig.cfg and other custom .cfgs to be executed on startup)

                                                        /        \

                                                      /            \

                                                    /                \

                                          userconfig.cfg        custom.cfg(in my case god.cfg)


Nice sites buy I want something about cs 1.6


EDIT: Well, as I said above

So here's the structure...:




                                                        config.cfg(tells userconfig.cfg and other custom .cfgs to be executed on startup)

                                                        /        \

                                                      /            \

                                                    /                \

                                          userconfig.cfg        custom.cfg(in my case god.cfg)

it's wrong...config.cfg is being overwritten every time you attempt to change any option.

So here's the final Structure:

                                                      Config.cfg(tells Userconfig.cfg to be executed)




                                                        Userconfig.cfg(Tells custom .CFGs to be executed)

                                                          /            \

                                                        /                \

                                                      /                    \

                                              Custom.cfg            Custom.cfg


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