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[Request] Gracia Final NEW! low rate (live soon)


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I'm looking for server with rates 10x (this is the best for me, but rates around this will be OK too).

So.. this server NEED TO BE NEW! the best if it WILL be up in next weeks





-no dualbox (it's an option)

-if class manager - only for 1st & 2nd class

-without crazy donations (without donations will be the best :) )

-don't care is it l2j or l2off


and don't write here anything about multiskill/stuck-sub servers...






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Well Chek this One

Opening On 23/10/09

Name L2North x7 :/ Something Like Low With Hight Rate Server...

We Have


Mammon In The Towns

Some Custom Things

Recipes Shop For you Can Craft your Items...

Take a Look www.l2north.net76.net

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Gracia Final

Gm buffer for pets and char (only basic buffs, No dance/songs)

Gm shop only B-grade

Global GK

Delevel NPC

Offline shop/craft

Champion lvl 10-85

PvP Zone

Geodata and Pathnodes working rly fine, so no wallshot

Olympiad works

Most of all quests works even Hb/Gracia Quests

Turturial page for class transfern

All classes are tryedout and working

cov,magnus' chant, etc 15 min all other buffs/dances/songs 1h

Vitality works great

Top 10 PvP/PK npc

Grand Bosses works

backup every 2h, no roll-backs/wipe

free from lagg ;)




-EXP: x25

-Sp: x30

-Spoil: x20

-Drop: x10

-Adena: x50

-Raid drop: x10

-Epic Raid drops: x5

-Enchant: 66% saft +3 max +16

-Seal Stones: x10


Gm Team:

Admin: Eson

Head Gm: Pownix

Event Gm's: none yet



Auto Events: TvT, Ctf

Passive Events: Master yogi Enchant event, Event medal event, l2 day event, Special drop event.

GM Events: Lms, Hide and search, Question time, 1 vs 1, Town Raid, etc..

Alltime event: 1 vs 1



Event Rewards:

Auto Events: Event Medals, muse coins


Passive Events: Event medals (one every mob), random items (depends on enchant lvl at master yogi), L2-day letters (5% on every mob), Special item (0.1% on every mob)


GM Event Rewards: adenas, Medals, muse coins or something special, (No Crazy rewards like Armors/Weapons/Enchants)


Alltime event: No reward, only for fun


our webbpage is soon going to be replaced whit one mutch greater one, but until then you can find us on:



Grand Opening on December 8th 6pm GMT+1,

se yaa then <33

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