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Geia xara [shadow=black,left]cheaters[/shadow].

Eipa na kanw k egw ena share gt dn to sini8izw..  ;D

Tespa,sto 8ema mas..Ekana compile Datapack k Gameserver sto last rev tis L2JServer (CT 2,3)

L2J Server Gameserver Timeline: http://www.l2jserver.com/trac/timeline

L2J Server Datapack Timeline: http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/timeline

L2J Server Gameserver SNV: http://www.l2jserver.com/svn

L2J Server Datapack SVN: http://www.l2jdp.com/svn


[glow=white,2,300]Updated (16/10/09) Revisions-3629-6729:[/glow]

Download L2JServer Compiled Revision


[glow=black,1,300]Epishs: Pws na kanete compile me TortoiseSVN - Eclipse se 10 lepta (Credits to L2JDrLecter)[/glow]



*P.S.1: Einai apo ta prwta m share,gia opiodipote la8os exw kanei plz reply edw..

*P.S.2: Ean yparxei idio share pite mou to,an k dn exw dei,gi auto k to ekana  :P

*P.S.3: 8a to kanw update ana 2 meres,(an exei vgei vevea update apo tin L2JServer)ty.



Bravo sou...eida ligo apo to video kai fenotan kalo ^^ !

P.S Tha itan kalitera an egrafes kai kana-dio logakia ..

euxaristw alla ti logakia ennoeis?dn kanw guide share kanw ::)


poly kalo nmzo dn exei gini post os Twra Good Job ;D



Yparxoun eidh odigoi gia Compile, defteron kalutera tha itan na ekanes compile kai update kathe mera

kai L2J server kai L2J free.. anyway, synexise etsi kai na to kaneis update kathe mera..



Yparxoun eidh odigoi gia Compile, defteron kalutera tha itan na ekanes compile kai update kathe mera

kai L2J server kai L2J free.. anyway, synexise etsi kai na to kaneis update kathe mera..


Ma dn ekana guide,apla evala to vid epd auto me voi8ise na kanw compile,k defteron opote vgenei new rev apo tous an8rwpous tis L2JServer 8a to kanw update,apla.

EDIT: 8a to ekana update simera,alla ap'oti vlepw exei provlima h L2JServer..to site oute kan mpenei,oute ta timeline oute ta SVN.


Ma dn ekana guide,apla evala to vid epd auto me voi8ise na kanw compile,k defteron opote vgenei new rev apo tous an8rwpous tis L2JServer 8a to kanw update,apla.

EDIT: 8a to ekana update simera,alla ap'oti vlepw exei provlima h L2JServer..to site oute kan mpenei,oute ta timeline oute ta SVN.

to kserw einai kleisto to site ypo anewsi  den eipa kati re c.. kane to l2j free re c an mporeis exei polu kalutera  addons

mesa! tespa! kali douleia..


Spera cheaters.

8a i8ela kapios na kanei lock auto to topic k osa alla dika m mporei gt se 2 meres feugw gia strato..

8a zitisw unlock molis epistrepsw,dld se 9 mines..

ta leme tou xronou CHEATERS!  :)

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