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[Help]Bug .away



exw 1 problima sto pack m p einai l2jdot


to .away


den mpori o alos na se klik... afto to 3erw....

alla m ekapion tropo h ali kill dld aftos p exi kani .away mpori na xosi na kill kapion


pos mporw na to fix afto???



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file pigene sta config kai bres ayto edo kai kanto opos ego pou ta exo  kanei ola False


# Away System Config ( .away and .back commands )
# Allow Players to change status Away.
AllowAwayStatus = False
AwayOnlyInPeaceZone = False

# Allow other Player target Away Player's.
AwayAllowInterference = False

# Player take mobs aggro if he is Away.
AwayPlayerTakeAggro = False

# Away status title Color (red 0000FF).
AwayTitleColor = 0000FF

# How many sec till player goes in away mode.
AwayTimer = 10

# How many sec till player goes back from away mode.
BackTimer = 10

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