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A suggestion about the forum.


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I have another idea.. delete all ranks and let only Administrator Moderator and Donate Members


and by they way where is TheJudge(the other admin i have to see him long time ago except if he left our forum :S he was nice and funny xD)

I seriously cant understand the thoughts of some people
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I seriously cant understand the thoughts of some people

wtf? we dnt need all these ranks... global moderators moderators cs moderators wow moderators gold members platinum members donate members and more other i miss
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Everyone has access in his section and if everyone was global there would be a chaos

yeah.. that is what i mean.. we need only 1 at least 2 moderators and 1 admin nothing more nothing else
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yeah.. that is what i mean.. we need only 1 at least 2 moderators and 1 admin nothing more nothing else

Wake up dude


So the 3 of them would lock topics delete posts dekarma ban


They have a life too

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