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[Help]LoginServerIP and ProtocolVersion

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Guys i need some help..Can any1 tell me how can i find LoginServerIP and ProtocolVersion?

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Thanks! :)

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decrypt l2.ini and see the serveraddrs=xx.xxx.xx.xxx Thats ur IP


Protocolversion can be found with hlapex. open hlapex wait 8 sec and press ctrl +f12. Then log in game and it should show in the list of hlapex. If you can't log in with hlapex then you gotta find some other way :)

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decrypt l2.ini and see the serveraddrs=xx.xxx.xx.xxx Thats ur IP


Protocolversion can be found with hlapex. open hlapex wait 8 sec and press ctrl +f12. Then log in game and it should show in the list of hlapex. If you can't log in with hlapex then you gotta find some other way :)


The way with IP is working but i can't understand what u mean when u say Then log in and it should show in the list of hlapex.Hlapex is working in this way.U open hlapex,and then u log in the server u want to play-hack with hlapex.I can't use hlapex in a server without i have been log in this server!

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another way to find the IP is

1)log into the server

2)at the cmd prompt type "netstat" and you will find an IP ending with xx.xxx.xx.xxx:2106

the xx.xxx.xx.xxx is the IP you're lookin' for...

dunno about the protocolversion

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Guys i must thank aaasi888 because both ways are working!I find LoginServerIP and ProtocolVersion!

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