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Aion, there are three basic ways to enchant, or enhance, your gear. The first is using Enchantment stones, the second is using Manastones, and the third is using Godstones. In this guide, I will cover all three with much detail. Aion's system of enhancing your gear is quite different and more complicated than most other systems.




The most frustrating part of learning how to enhance is learning that THEY CAN FAIL! Not only can they fail, but failing can have negative side-effects for your gear! This is why you must read the guide below so that you do not lose your time, your character's money, or your cool!


Before you can use Enchantment stones, you must create them. In order to create them, visit a nearby <General Goods Merchant> and purchase Extraction Tools.



One set of tools is used per extraction. In order to extract, you must Right-Click on the Extraction Tools and then Left-Click on the item you wish to extract from.


There are some important guidelines! First, you can only extract from items that can be enhanced. These are your chest slot, legs slot, shoulders slot, hands slot, feet slot, primary slot, and secondary slot. Second, when you extract from an item, that item is destroyed. Do not extract from items you wish to keep or use, obviously.


Once you have extracted an item, you will receive Enchantment stones. They come in the form: Level # Enchantment. The level corresponds to an item's level, not your level. The level of the Enchantment stone that you receive varies quite dramatically. Also, the rarity of the item does not affect the level of the Enchantment stone that you receive. For example, if you extract a Level 20 Green, you could receive 3 Level 25 Enchantment stones. Then, if you extract a Level 20 Blue, you could receive 1 Level 20 Enchantment stone. In other words, it's very random.


Now that you know how to extract and create Enchantment stones, I will tell you how you apply them to an item. The first important part is figuring out the level of the item you wish to enhance. Quite simply, the item's level is the required level to use that item. This can typically be found just by looking at the item's statistics, as it will say what level is required. The item below has an item level of 27.




For some items, such as quest rewards, there is no given level on the item. In order to figure out the level of these items, you must know what level the quest was that resulted in that item. For instance, if a quest said "Level 10" in front of it and completing it resulted in an item, that item's level would be 10.


Once you know your item's level, the next step is figuring out what level Enchantment stone to use. In order to do this, you must know whether the item is of White rarity, Green rarity, Blue rarity, or Orange rarity. You can simply do this by looking at the item and seeing what color the item's name is written in. Once you know the item's level and its rarity use the following to figure out what Enchantment stone to use:


White Item = Item's Level +1-10 Levels

Green Item = Item's Level +5-15 Levels

Blue Item = Item's Level +15-30 Levels

Orange Item = Item's Level +25-40 Levels


When using an Enchantment stone from the above guide, take note that using the lower extremity will cause you to have a lower chance of success. If you have a Level 10 White item, you will have a higher percent of success if you use a Level 13 Enchantment stone than if you used a Level 11 Enchantment stone.


Now that you know how to create Enchantment stones and use them to enhance your gear, you must be wondering what the point of it all is! Each item can be enhanced up to 10 times. Although this seems fairly easy to obtain, you can take either two paths to reaching it. One involves spending lots of your character's money on purchasing the best-to-use Enchantment stones; the other involves spending lots of risk on using lower level Enchantment stones that will sometimes fail. What happens when you fail? Your item loses one level of enhancement! This is why it is important to use the correct level Enchantment stones. The good news is that items cannot reach negative enhancement levels; it will stop at 0. The bad news, obviously, is that it can take quite a bit of time and money to reach 10.


The following shows what bonuses come with each enhancement level. Remember, each item can reach a maximum of 10, so multiple each bonus by 10 to figure out the maximum.



Chest = +6 Physical Defense per level

Legs = +5 Physical Defense per level

Pauldron = +4 Physical Defense per level

Gloves = +4 Physical Defense per level

Boots = +4 Physical Defense per level



Chest = +5 Physical Defense per level

Legs = +4 Physical Defense per level

Pauldron = +3 Physical Defense per level

Gloves = +3 Physical Defense per level

Boots = +3 Physical Defense per level



Chest = +4 Physical Defense per level

Legs = +3 Physical Defense per level

Pauldron = +2 Physical Defense per level

Gloves = +2 Physical Defense per level

Boots = +2 Physical Defense per level



Chest = +3 Physical Defense per level

Legs = +2 Physical Defense per level

Pauldron = +1 Physical Defense per level

Gloves = +1 Physical Defense per level

Boots = +1 Physical Defense per level



Polearm = +4 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level

Greatsword = +4 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level

Bows = +4 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level

Staff = +3 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level

Sword = +2 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level

Dagger = +2 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level

Mace = +3 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level

Orb = +4 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level

Spellbook = +3 Minimum and Maximum Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level



Shield = +2% Damage Reduction per level


After reading this, you should now be a pro when it comes to enhancing your items, extraction, and Enchantment stones. The next part of the guide will discuss the use of Manastones.




Manastones contain a certain statistic and a certain value. For example, Manastone: Accuracy +12. In this case, this Manastone would add 12 to your Accuracy value if you placed it into a socket of one of your equipped items. Similar to the enhancing, only the following slots contain sockets: chest slot, legs slot, shoulders slot, hands slot, feet slot, primary slot, and secondary slot. Also, the higher the rarity of the item, the more sockets it contains:


White Item = 1-2 Socket

Green Item = 2-3 Sockets

Blue Item = 3-4 Sockets

Orange Item = 4-5 Sockets

Green Abyss Item = 4 Sockets

Blue Abyss Item = 5 Sockets

Orange Abyss Item = 6 Sockets


Similar to enhancing, placing Manastones into sockets can fail. The penalty for this is that all Manastones already in sockets and the Manastone you just used for that item are destroyed, returning the item to all empty sockets. The positive is that this is quite rare and usually only occurs when placing too high of a level Manastone into a low level item. However, at this time, there is no way to tell the exact level of a Manastone; just know that the higher the value, the higher the level. Also, green Manastones are harder to socket than white Manastones.


When the game is released, there should be level requirements on Manastones which will make it easier to tell the level of the Manastone.


A good strategy for placing Manastones into sockets (when an item has more than 1 socket) is to socket your least valued Manastone first and your most valued Manastone last. This way, the chance for failing and wasting your most valued Manastone is reduced to a minimum.


You can also remove Manastones from items by visiting a <Remove Manastone> NPC. These are usually found around major cities and towns. You pay a small fee and the NPC will remove your desired Manastone from your item. Although the Manastone will be destroyed in the process, the remaining Manastones already socketed into that item will not be destroyed.


The following list shows all Manastones and their possible values:


Manastone: Attack (Adds to your Attack value)

Value Range: +1-5

White Manastones: (+1, +2, +4)

Green Manastones: (+3, +5)


Manastone: Accuracy (Adds to your Accuracy value)

Value Range: +12-25

White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)


Manastone: Parry (Adds to your Parry value)

Value Range: +12-25

White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)


Manastone: Magic Boosting Power (Adds to your Magic Boosting Power value)

Value Range: +12-25

White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)


Manastone: Shield Defense (Adds to your Block value)

Value Range: +12-25

White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)


Manastone: Evasion (Adds to your Evasion value)

Value Range: +4-15

White Manastones: Even #s (+4, +6, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+11, +13, etc.)


Manastone: Physical Critical Hit (Adds to your Crit Rate value)

Value Range: +4-15

White Manastones: Even #s (+4, +6, etc.)

Green Manastones: Odd #s (+11, +13, etc.)


Manastone: HP (Adds to your HP value)

Value Range: +20-85

White Manastones: By Tens (+20, +30, etc.)

Green Manastones: In-between Tens (+65, +75, etc.)


Manastone: MP (Adds to your MP value)

Value Range: +20-85

White Manastones: By Tens (20, 30, etc.)

Green Manastones: In-between Tens (65, 75, etc.)


Manastone: Magical Accuracy (Adds to your Magic Accuracy value)

Value Range: +10, +12

Green Manastones: (+10, +12)


Manastone: Maximum Flight Time (Adds to your Flight Time value)

Value Range: +4

Green Manastones: (+4)


Manastone: Magical Resistance (Adds to your Magical Resistance value)

Value Range: +12

Green Manastones: +12




The last part of this guide will discuss Godstones. These are used on all weapon items. The basic premise of a Godstone is to apply some sort of ability, which triggers at a certain percent, to inflict your target with.


Godstones can be found throughout the higher level content of the game. They can be found in similar ways that Manastones can be found, only with a significant less frequency. They can also be obtained as quest rewards. Once you obtain a Godstone, you can visit a <Godstone Enchanter> NPC, which are usually found in large cities only, and have them enable the Godstone to your weapon for a fee. You may also remove Godstones in a similar fashion as Manastones.


When a weapon becomes enabled by a Godstone, it will receive a partical effect. This means that your weapon will now have a specific type of glow depending on which Godstone you used. Each type of Godstone (Bleed, Blind, etc) has its own color and effect.


The following is a list of the effects and what they are:

Bleed: Places a physical damage over time effect on the target

Blind: Reduces the target's accuracy with attacks

Paralyze: Completely stuns a target in place; they cannot take any action at all

Poison: Places a magical damage over time effect on the target

Root: Immobilizes the target in place; they cannot move

Silence: Causes a target to be unable to cast any spells

Slow: Reduces the attack speed of the target

Snare: Reduces the movement speed of the target

Stun: Completely stuns a target; they cannot take any action at all

Damage: Causes direct magical damage to the target


The following is a list of some of Aion?s Godstones and their benefit:

(A) = Asmodian Quest Reward

(E) = Elyos Quest Reward




Bleeding Abnormal Condition Smash

65 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

Bleeding Abnormal Condition Smash

40 damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

Mahisha's Wrath

71 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds at 8% trigger rate.



(A)Aegir's Eye Beam

Blinds for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

Rasberg's Love

Blinds for 10 seconds at 10% trigger rate.

Rasberg's Tragedy

Blinds for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

(E)Telemachus's Luster

Blinds for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.



(E)Spatalos's Chastisement

Paralyzes for 5 seconds at 2% trigger rate.

(A)Sueron's Threat

Paralyzes for 5 seconds at 2% trigger rate.

Vidar's Dignity

Paralyzes for 5 seconds at 2% trigger rate.



Orissa's Blood

38 damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds at 10% trigger rate.



(E)Hectate's Root

Binds for 10 seconds at 2% trigger rate.

Helkes's Revenge

Binds for 10 seconds at 2% trigger rate.

(A)Sif's Root

Binds for 10 seconds at 2% trigger rate.



(E)Jumentis's Pacification

Silences for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

(A)Sigyn's Calmness

Silences for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

Srudgelmir's Silence

Silences for 10 seconds at 10% trigger rate.

Srudgelmir's Tacitness

Silences for 8 seconds at 5% trigger rate.



Eio's Tears

Reduces attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 10% trigger rate.

(A)Freyr's Rest

Reduces attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

Ieo's Sadness

Reduces attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

(E)Thrasymedes's Peace

Reduces attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.



Deltras's Loyalty

Reduces movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

(A)Nerthus's Suppression

Reduces movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.

(E)Perento's Standpoint

Reduces movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds at 5% trigger rate.



(E)Boreas's Fury

Stuns for 1 second at 6% trigger rate.

Fasimedes's Majesty

Stuns for 1 second at 6% trigger rate.

(A)Traufnir's Roar

Stuns for 1 second at 6% trigger rate.




Freyr's Wisdom

1880 earth damage at 1% trigger rate.

Thrasymedes's Wit

188 earth damage at 10% trigger rate.


Boreas's Encouragement

188 fire damage at 10% trigger rate.

Traufnir's Bravery

1880 fire damage at 1% trigger rate.


Hectate's Cleverness

94 water damage at 20% trigger rate.

Sif's Knowledge

940 water damage at 2% trigger rate.


Jumentis's Agility

94 wind damage at 20% trigger rate.

Sigyn's Intelligence

940 wind damage at 2% trigger rate.

Magical Fire

Magical Earth Smash

247 magical fire damage at 3% trigger rate.

Magical Earth Strike

124 magical fire damage at 6% trigger rate.

Magical Fire Smash

370 magical fire damage at 2% trigger rate.

Magical Fire Strike

185 magical fire damage at 4% trigger rate.





(A)Marchutan's Balance

376 earth damage at 10% trigger rate.

(E)Yustiel's Heart

376 earth damage at 10% trigger rate.


(E)Nezakan's Valiance

3760 fire damage at 1% trigger rate.

(A)Zikel's Pride

3760 fire damage at 1% trigger rate.


(E)Kaisinel's Terror

1880 water damage at 2% trigger rate.

(A)Lumiel's Magical Power

1880 water damage at 2% trigger rate.


(E)Baizel's Will

188 wind damage at 20% trigger rate.

(A)Triniel's Coolness

188 wind damage at 20% trigger rate.



After reading this guide, I hope that you are now very knowledgeable with Enchantments, Manastones, Godstones, extracting, socket'ing, and enabling. If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a PM.


After reading this guide, I hope that you are now very knowledgeable with Enchantments, Manastones, Godstones, extracting, socket'ing, and enabling. If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a PM.


or post question here ;)


After reading this guide, I hope that you are now very knowledgeable with Enchantments, Manastones, Godstones, extracting, socket'ing, and enabling. If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a PM.


uhm.. tell me 1 person that he have read all this thing.. just 1


uhm.. tell me 1 person that he have read all this thing.. just 1

People like me that they want to know to play . After all gtfo from the thread if you don't want to read it I don't care .

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