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Change Chat Mode


/general (/s,/n): changes to normal chat mode

/whisper [Name] (/w [Name]): changes to whisper chat mode for [Name]

/group: changes to group chat mode

/force (/a): changes to alliance chat mode

/alert: changes to alert mode

/legion: changes to legion chat mode

/shout: changes to shout chat mode

/1: changes to region channel chat mode

/2: changes to trade channel chat mode

/3: changes to looking for group channel chat mode


Group Commands


/invite [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your group

/leave: leaves the group/alliance you are currently in

/kick [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your group/alliance


: displays the sign for

above the target’s head

Alliance Commands


/inviteforce [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your alliance

/leave: leaves the group/alliance you are currently in

/kick [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your group/alliance


: displays the sign for

above the target’s head

Legion Commands


/invitetolegion [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your legion

/leavelegion: leave the legion you are currently in

/kickfromlegion  [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your legion

/delegatebrigadegeneralauthority [Name]: this delegates [Name] as the brigande general

/gnotice: display the current legion message

/centurion [Name]: this promotes [Name] as a centurion

/legionnaire [Name]: this demotes [Name] to a legionnaire


Loot Distribution




): this will roll a dice between 1 and

.  Must be in a group or alliance


: this distributes

kinah to every player in your group


: this distributes

kinah to every player in your group equally

/free: players in your group can loot freely

/roundrobinloot (/inorder): players in your group will loot in a round robin order

/groupleaderloot (/captain): the group leader loots all loot.


Buddy List


/who [Name]: searches for [Name]

/buddy [Name]: sends a request to [Name] to add them to your buddy list

/deletefriend [Name]: removes [Name] from your buddy list

/block [Name]: blocks [Name] from sending you whispers

/unblock [Name]: removes [Name] from your block list




/petition: opens the petition window

/cancelpetition: cancels your submitted petition




/trade: attempts to trade with your target

/location (/loc): displays the coordinate information of your current location

/pathfinding [Name]: displays a purple ‘X’ on your map of the location of the NPC [Name]

/duel: requests a duel with your target

/time: displays the current game time and real time

/flight: enters flight mode

/? (/h): opens the help window

/checkentry: displays a list of the time limit dunegions you are able to enter or the remaining re-entry time

/checkgroupentry: displays a list of the time limit dungeons your group is able to enter or the remaining re-enter time

/camp: logs out to the character select screen

/exit: quits the game

/played: displays how long you have been logged in for



/wings  - boasts the wings of a daeva (Above level 9 and after class change)



Chat Commands


/InvitetoGroup [character name] (/Invite)

Invites a character to a group. (/InvitetoGroup Shungshung)


/LeaveGroup (/Leave)

Leaves the group you belong to. (/LeaveGroup)


/BanGroup [character name] (/Kick)

The group leader kicks a group member out. (/BanGroup Shungshung)


/InvitetoForce [character name]

Invites a character to an Alliance. (/InvitetoForce Mew)


/LeaveForce (/Leave)

Leaves the Alliance you belong to. (/LeaveForce)


/BanfromForce [character name] (/Kick)

Kicks a member from an Alliance. (/BanfromForce Mew)


/AppointViceCaptain [character name] (/Appoint)

Appoints the character as the Alliance Vice Captain. (/AppointViceCaptain Mew)


/BattleReady (/Ready)

Requests the Alliance members to confirm battle readiness. (/BattleReady)


/InvitetoLegion [character name]

Invites a character to a Legion. (/InvitetoLegion Mew)



Leaves the Legion you belong to. (/LeaveLegion)


/KickfromLegiion [character name]

Kicks a character from the Legion. (/KickfromLegion Mew)


/DelegateBrigadeGeneralAuthority [character name]

Entrusts a character with the Brigade General Authority. (/DelegateBrigadeGeneralAuthority Mew)


/LegionNotice (/gnotice)

Displays the Legion announcement. (/LegionNotice)


/AppointCenturion [character name] (/Centurion)

Appoints a Legion Legionnaire as Centurion. (/AppointCenturion Mew)


/DemotetoLegionnaire [character name] (/Legionnaire)

Demotes a Legion Centurion to a Legionnaire. (/DemotetoLegionnaire Mew)


/who [character name]

Checks the character information in the Search window. (/who Daeva)


/Friend [character name]


/DeleteFriend [character name]


/Block [character name]

Blocks the target. (/Block Daeva)


/Unblock [character name] (/Undo)



Displays the Petition window. (/Petition)



Cancels the submitted petition. (/CancelPetition)



Begins a trade with the target. (/Trade)



Shows the coordinate information of the current location. (/Location)


/PathFinding [NPC/Location]Displays the path to a specific NPC/location. (/PathFinding Elpis)

Cancels the path finding. (/PathFinding)



Requests a duel of the target. (/Duel)





Enters the flight mode. (/Flight)




What is a Macro?

A macro is a function that allows one to link a series of commands to an icon and execute the commands simply by clicking the icon. Run Macro

To run a macro, drag the macro icon you created in the list window to the quickbar. You can use macro commands directly in chat windows.


Manage Macro

Add Macro

Click the 'New Macro' button in the macro window to open the Edit Macro window. Delete Macro

Select the macro icon to edit and click the 'Delete' button. Modify Macro

Select the macro icon to edit and click the 'Modify' button to display the Edit Macro window. In that window, edit the macro and click the 'Save' button.


Edit Macro

Configure Edit Window

There are Macro Name, Macro Description, Select Icon, and Macro Command Input boxes from top to bottom in the Edit Macro window. Enter an appropriate name in the Macro Name box. You can enter up to 10 characters, including spaces.

Enter an appropriate description in the Macro Description box. You can enter up to 40 characters, including spaces.

Choose an appropriate icon.


Macro Command - automatic input

The Macro Command Input box is at the lower part of the Edit Macro window. You can enter up to 255 letters including spaces. There is no limit in the number of lines. To enter a command, drag and drop the skill, emotion, quickbar, and item icon to the Macro Command Input box.


Macro Command - usage skill manual input

Enter the skill name, including spaces, after the /Skill command. (Example: /Skill Severe Strike II)


Macro Command - function manual input

Enter the function name, including spaces, after the /Skill command. (Example: /Skill Pick up Item)


Macro Command - show emotion manual input

Enter the emotion name after the slash (/) character. (Example: /Laugh)


Macro Command - quickbar manual input

Enter the numbers corresponding to the type of quickbar, page, and slot sequentially after the /Quickbar command. The numbers for quickbar types are: Basic Quickbar (1), Ctrl Quickbar (2), Alt Quickbar (3), Right Quickbar (4). (Example: /Quickbar 1 1 1) Executes the icon registered in the first slot of the first page of Basic Quickbar.


Macro Command - item manual input

Enter the item name, including spaces, after the /Use command. (Example: /Use Mercenary Canteen)


Macro Command - select target

Enter the name of the character within a selectable distance after the /Select command. You can enter [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1]~[%Group5], [%Pet1]~[%Pet5], [%Target], and [%Previous Target] instead of character name. (Example: /Select [%Pet1]) Select the pet of the first group member

If you enter [%Previous Target] instead of character name, macro selects the previous target automatically. (Example: /Select [%Previous Target])



Macro Command - chat

You can enter the same way as you enter in the chat window. You can change the Chat Mode by entering /Normal, /Group, /Alliance, /Legion, /Shout, and /Whisper. (Example: /Whisper Hi, how are you?)

During the chat, you can enter [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1]~[%Group5], [%Pet1]~[%Pet5], [%Target], and [%Previous Target]. (Example: [%Group1] is the best.)


Macro Command - variable

You can assign a frequently used name to a variable by entering '0~9' after the /Variable command. (Example: /Variable 0 Brax Milk)

You can simplify macros by entering designated variables for frequently used names. (Example: /Use [%Variable0]) Use Brax Milk

You can see the designated variables in the Variable tab of the Macro window.


Macro Command - Misc.

You can delay the execution of a command by entering the delay time (second) after the /Delay command. (Example: /Delay 3.5) Delays the execution for 3.5 seconds. You can carry out a normal attack by entering the /Attack command. (Example: /Attack)

You can control your Golem by using the /Golem command with 'Activate' and 'Deactivate'. (Example: /Golem Activate)

You can change your weapon set by entering the /changeweaponset command. (Example: /changeweaponset)

You can assist a target by entering the /AssistTarget command. (Example: /AssistTarget)

You can automatically select hostile targets by entering the /AutomaticSelection command. (Example: /AutomaticSelection)



Limit Macro

You cannot call a macro using a macro. On some occasions, you need sufficient delay time between commands.

A macro can be stopped due to insufficient MP, abnormal target selection, etc.

You can use the Example tab to see how to use various commands.

You cannot use the following macro commands in the chat window. (/Delay, [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1]~[%Group5], [%Pet1]~[%Pet5], [%Target], [%Previous Target], [%Variable0]~[%Variable9])


Also some Tips & Tricks

  • Roads aren't always the fastest way between two points. Go offroad! You won't have to worry about aggro (kill on sight mobs) until you get into your level 6 or level 7 quests.
  • Remember that you can gather multiple times on each Angelica node, but Angelica grows throughout the intro areas, so don't worry about getting your ten on the first trip. It's good to get in the habit of gathering whenever you stumble across a node, since you'll have at least one quest later on that requires 15 points in gathering.
  • Don't replace your chest or foot armor - you'll be getting upgrades to the chest piece soon enough, and foot pieces seem to drop with higher frequency than other pieces.
  • Titles give stats in Aion, so be sure to have a title equipped. At level 10, the Raider Hero title is great for melee classes, and the Fluent in Mau title is excellent for magic users (though you'll need quite a bit of kinah to buy the language skill in Pandaemonium).
  • Remember that you can switch titles whenever you wish to! If you pick up the Bottled Lightening title, you can use it during long stretches of foot travel then switch back to a combat title when you need to.
  • Don't neglect your harvesting skills! You'll run into several quests in Verteron that will require you gather from harvesting nodes around the zone and skill levels will become obsolete quickly if you neglect them.
  • Repeatable quests are there for a reason! Grab these quests every time you pick up other local quests for extra experience and coin as a habit. You'll find that they take little effort to complete but offer worthwhile reward.
  • Get the ascension done ASAP! The quest reward, wings, and level 10 skills are all worth earning as early as possible. If you need to go back to the newbie area, do so as a pimped out Daeva.
  • Most class skills update at level 10, 13, 16, and level 19. Save time by planning your trips back to the city at these levels or if you have the kina, buy as many upgrades as you can all at once!
  • Gliding is helpful in quick travel but is definitely an art form! For the best results, travel using your Num Lock or auto-run key then jump from hill peaks or ledges then hit your jump key again, while in mid-air, to glide. You may use your mouse to control your direction and elevation. Glide is also helpful to avoid falling damage. Hit your jump key before you hit the ground to float safely down.
  • Getting a little too crowded in your adventuring area? Change channels! Aion utilizes instances to keep zones from overcrowding and all you have to do to switch is click on your menu button at the bottom of your UI, hover over "Support" and choose "Change Channel". A box will pop up at the top of your screen showing you which channel you are in and allowing you to drop it down and choose a different channel.



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