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[Trick]How to go under of Orgrimmar/Stormwind

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Hello guys, today i decided to make one simple guide about how

to go under orgrimmar quite funny eh?  ;D


Requirements: Mount 60%/100% speed.



Let's start, i will explain my guide with steps

because i think that you will understand it easier.



First step


Go to the trainer who there can one hunter train his

skills/unlearn his talents then jump on the rocks like you

see in the photo behind.





Second step

In this step you must go up on the ledge but try

to bei in the top if you will not be in his top then you cant jump to the

roof next to you.





Third step


This is the last step, if you jumped to the roof now you must

jump the fence, which is in the left side.




Second photo,



And, Congratulations now you are under orgrimmar.



Now, another simple guide how to go under stormwind.




First step


Travel at the place you see in the photo.



Second photo,





Second step


This is the last step, now you must jump from the box to

the light on the wall and after to the stone in front of you


width=887 height=768http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zoG5sV2wa80/She_BrLnJdI/AAAAAAAAAEU/X-Ihw7i5GUU/s1440/underSW2.jpg[/img]


And, Congratulations now you are under stormwind.


Result: wowscrnshot080707210742_2.jpg


~Have fun with your friends.~



Tested on official realm[3.2].






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