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Ban Him


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+1 [gr]sintekne[/gr]


Thanks for reporting but i tning that there should an auto-ban option.It would make mod's job easier!

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Thanks for reporting but i tning that there should an auto-ban option.It would make mod's job easier!

why you are saing thanks for reponting in case that you are not mod? ;o

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Thanks for reporting but i tning that there should an auto-ban option.It would make mod's job easier!


SMF doesn't support this options, at least as Maxtor says.


He's already banned by me:




Let me check what is wrong.


But he doesn't have the BAN button gif picture...

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But he doesn't have the BAN button gif picture...


Maybe it got bugged, check his profile, the last time he logged was on September 21.


I will ask to maxtor about this.

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