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[Bug]Clan skills @ Oly.

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Well,with this bug you can have clan skills at olympiad.

I try it to my test server(In a few days will be online btw:P),and it works perfect.


Well,that's the idea.

When you are in Oly match,it check if you have clan.If you have,THEN it checks your skills.

So if you have Clan Skill,without have clan,you will play with Clan Skills.

Here are the parts of this bug.


-You must be in one clan with clan skills.

-You join at oly.

-You leave the clan,before you will be at stadium.

-Clan skill remain at your skill list,until you make restart.

-You play with clan skills^ ^


CAUTION:By making restart,or taking DC/Crt Error,you lose the skills.

P.S.:Tested at Equal,Rev 256 if i remember well.(This is the pack which I work on)

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In pvp servers you just need a bot with invite priv.


On topic now.

It's really smart dude.

Thank you for sharing it, I will try it as soon as possible.

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but there is a problem... you have to know the leader of the clan so he will invite you again the next day to use the bug again...



I don't think that this is a big problem >.>

Every clan leader want to help his members.

Also if you think that the most of the servers don't have Clan Invite Pen,there is no any prob.

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