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Here is my 3 new signatures..............


Version 1.0




Version 2.0




And the other Signatures...


(i dnt like the font here... i didnt know what to do :S)



And the suckest one :D





Tomorrow i am coming with a new one!!!

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Try using a lower size like 360x130...or w/e

And try reading Blane's tutorial and MD's AIO...

They will really help you...


And I will have to agree with magaki.

You should focus on making 1 good signature, and not 300 that seem like rubbish...



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no i make many signatures because i try the light effect the blur effects i try many things and i post them here to tell me what is wrong to fix it..... and then i will make a good


but i need 3 guides and i am begging the guys who have the signatures make a guide and send me


ManiakMike - The signature with the man with the gun and the smoke

JustMyStyle - The green one(Webmonster's Signature)

Atheist - The robot signature


I need them to STUDY them to learn how to add smokes how to make backgrounds...


and i am





www.google.gr/translate - if you dnt know what begging is...!!!

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www.google.gr/translate - if you dnt know what begging is...!!!


No I don't, please teach me -.-

Dude, you can't even add lighting effects and you want to work on smoke effects + other specials at maniamike's sig?

When you started school you learned first the alphabet or who is Einstein?


Think logically...

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No I don't, please teach me -.-

Dude, you can't even add lighting effects and you want to work on smoke effects + other specials at maniamike's sig?

When you started school you learned first the alphabet or who is Einstein?


Think logically...

no no !! look... if i see how ManiakMike add the smoke i will learn how to create smoke and how to make animate. And i want Morian's signature the green one. I know about lightings almost everything(only lighting).. i dnt know about blurs and i worked on adjustments and here is what i made



if i take 3-4 guides i will learn many things.. except if its sooooo difficult to make me a guide than flaming and say that i suck

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Ok listen up dude...Actually you work for Nothing.Your sign suck and I am honest about my opinion..

I have nothing agains you either to your signatures.But you want to do something that is not in your abilities.

Can't you just go and spend your time with some chicks, with your friends even something for internet, for example chat.

You HONESTLY have NO-IDEA about singature making.I don't want to dissapoint you but it's the truth.What else should I say?

You spent 1 for making a signature with a outer glow render, 2 fractal renders and a text.

Actually, you do not even know what size to make the signatures.

Give up or post again in some months until you learn something.You can't even handle on the simple signatures,

you wanna create animated one's?

And stop asking for help for signature tutorials.Every tutorial is the same with each other, just some other effects.You can't use a ice effect in a

fire render, and you can't use a fire effect in an ice render, I hope you understand me.It's all the same, JUST IMAGINATION.

You really need to learn how to combine the colors unless of course you have a problem with your eyes, then my fault.

I ain't saying that my signatures are better than yours, they may not be.But at least I make somthing that people like and I use my imagination.

I don't scale a render infront of the BG (background) and add a text.

Use your God Damn brushes.Use your god damn browser and search for better fonts/brushes/paterns.

Use these fckin' adjudgment layers (soz for spelling if it's not right)..

USE GOOGLE.Is that hard to go at google and type "Smoke effect on PS" ??


Seriously, you haven't improved not even a bit your skills since your first signature except that you have learnt how to scale down the size >.>

It's the truth dude, take a look at your past creations and at these one's...Personally, I can't see any difference...

Even if you don't have imagination, use your god-damn imagination and type "bla bla signature", get an idea, and try to do something similar without watching the tutorial.Just watch the result and get your mind on work..

Seriously, give up signature making or make something COOL and then post it...

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i think you are totally right :S thnx about what u say.. u make me think that i must read a lot guides and search hard on google.. thnx a lot

i go to learn everything and i mean everything about photoshop cya in a few days maybe months


thnx again Cyber :)

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http://deviantart.com search for signature guides

make things again and again with other renders + c4ds and what ever you want.

DO NOT use again and again the same guide.

after 10-20 times close the guides

Select your render and start to make your OWN sig.

i'm not ps pro but i make this thing and i think that i have learn a lot of things.

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