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[Share] Shi Vesper Weapons [Interlude]


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Hello. It's been a while since i shared something, so today i said to my self that i'll make something good.. So here you go

Shi Vesper Weapon Set.

First - [glow=yellow,1,300]Credits[/glow] to Cleo Chaos MAster for original Vesper weapons share.

And [glow=yellow,1,300]Credits[/glow] to Me for giving different look for those weapons.


So Let's start.. About Weapon Bonus:

Shi Vesper Cutter (Sword) - +7% Atk Speed, +25% Max Hp, +4 Accuracy

Shi Vesper Splitter (Dagger) - +7% Atk Speed, +71 Critical Rate, +4 Accuracy

Shi Vesper Striker (Mage Sword) - +15% Cst Speed, +Magical Skill Reuse time Decreased -10%, +4 Evasion

Shi Vesper Buster (Big Sword)  - +25% Max HP, +61 Critical Rate, +8 Accuracy

Shi Vesper Avenger (Blunt) - +7% Atk Speed, +25% Max Hp, +4 Accuracy

Shi Vesper CrossBow (Bow) - +Physycal Skill Re-use time Decreased -10%, +91 Critical Rate, +4 Evasion

Shi Vesper Hitters (Fists) - +7% Atk Speed, + Vampiric Rage, +8 Run Speed

Shi Vesper Twister (Spear) - +7% Atk Speed, + During Critical Attack P.Atk +361, +25% Max HP

Shi Vesper Naden Dual (Dual Sword) - +4% Atk Speed, +6 Accuracy, +25% MAx CP

Shi Vesper Protector (Shield) - +4 Evasion, +110 P.Def +Shield block Rate + 18%


~ Link To Download ~


~ Weapons In Game Video ~

~ Heres How They look ScreenShot ~



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I dont really like the anim, but the style and colors are awesome: the darkish grey with green is really nice


Perhaps you could put some continuing glow instead of this glow going away after 2 sec :p (perhaps here)

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very nice pack of weapons mate ofc like your textures but only animation are no good for me anyway keep ur work bro

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Well, there is only one problem - Shi Vesper Weapons have the same glow as LineageEffect.bo_self_blaster_a, so there is no reason to share it in topic that You have posted :]

Im quite sure the bo_self_blaster_a I posted in my topic is continuous, unlike this glow...

Also, if You like the darkish grey with green You can make UTX without effect and have only colored weapons without waving ^^ It's not so hard :]

I know it's not so hard, Im just giving my view on the creation :)


Good luck adapting

Take care as well :)


PS: Offtopic: @Ave: Are you ever going to share how to change the hero glow? (regarding this topic) (pm is ok too ^^)

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Thank you all for your comments i really need to know where i have to do better and keep up the good work.


very nice shared man, same texture from  Icarus weapons ^^

Sry man these are not same txtures as i did for Icarus weapons.

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