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interlude [Interlude L2J] Lineage II Zinc


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Enchant Max. Weapon: +20

Enchant Max. Armor: +12  


i hope you are kidding with enchant, bows +20 with patk pasive/active agaist dc +12, same for mages with AM+20 with aug empower on players with +12 jewels with zerk LOLBALANCE

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@schism you suck man , server is very balanced but like al nabs from mxc u start spamming with craps like this instead of test the game , for your knowledge i can own with  a + 0 dc set an archer with + 20 , it`s all about buffing , and pvp knowledge. END OF STORY


Server is Awesome just it needs more ppl. GO join all - easy farm , balanced pvp , no lag.

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i gonna check this server

LoL u gonna check server hmm ...

And as i remember u post l2synergy server at mxc and u said it open this weekend and its not ... ?

Wtf any info about it ?


Ontopic: Good Luck with server ...

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