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[REQUEST]l2 gracia final skin


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hi all,as title says i am looking for a custom skin for gracia final..as skin i mean file that change the inventory,interface apparence..i think u all know what it is..waiting for answers^^

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I will look it up now, as I was wondering it lately as well. Unfortunatly the C5< method (with just importing the script in with UnrealED) doesnt work here because you can't open the packs with UnrealED. And extracting all images and putting them back is firstly alot of work, and secondly; most animated pics (like enchanting, and augmenting) won't work anymore as they have variables that are unknown.


So, now im looking in all the .dat files and .int files etc. If I find anything Ill reply here again, and if I dont then I dont know the answer ^^


EDIT: sorry mate; it's inside inferface.u and I can't fully decrypt it. So if either someone knows how to open a .utx from CT2.3 in UnrealED or knows how to decrypt and encrypt .u files then it can be done :/

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I will look it up now, as I was wondering it lately as well. Unfortunatly the C5< method (with just importing the script in with UnrealED) doesnt work here because you can't open the packs with UnrealED. And extracting all images and putting them back is firstly alot of work, and secondly; most animated pics (like enchanting, and augmenting) won't work anymore as they have variables that are unknown.


So, now im looking in all the .dat files and .int files etc. If I find anything Ill reply here again, and if I dont then I dont know the answer ^^


EDIT: sorry mate; it's inside inferface.u and I can't fully decrypt it. So if either someone knows how to open a .utx from CT2.3 in UnrealED or knows how to decrypt and encrypt .u files then it can be done :/

i like ur work,answer and i hope that someone will help me..as i think interlude interface skin wont work with gracia final..anyway looking for other answers^^ thx LauQ
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