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[Signature] KraSh's signature.


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I have told my opinion many times.


Spiderman, Venom, and renders from action movies, are my favorites because I think they

have a perfect result..


I don't care if it's overused,I made something different, so doesn't matter for me!!

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can u make 1 for me pliz plox ?


Pfff It's not that I don't want to make signatures..

If I had the time, even if I had the imagination it needs, I could make signature's for the whole forum (even If I was skilled, cause I ain't)


But actually this Spiderman Signature was in the begining for me but I remember Krash has asked me a signature way ago in the past

so I changed the text, and instead of Cyber, I placed his name, that's how this signature came out..

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