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[Exploit]Do skill every skill you want without reause time ...Tested ,L2JG.Final


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Well hello ... This is a crappy L2J Bug which works on every L2J server wich has custom armors / weapons with Crazy stats .. (ex was working on L2Disaster (sofaki's server) .. ) .. We will use a Treasure hunter .. So do the next steps and you will have unlimited lethal blows..withought reause time...


1)We press alt + r and we create a macro ... named Lethal

2)Press alt + k and send skill "lethal strike" to the bar no1 anim.gif

3)End this macro and send it on 1st of the 1st bar icon...

4)Create a new macro , named Lethal2 like the oposite...but a new one..

5)Pull it on the 2nd icon of the 1st bar..

6)Do as many as Lethal12 macros ... and you are gonna hit lethal without reause time..



Note* In your server it may need a /attack on the 2nd bar of the macro to work..

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In most of the servers you will get the msg Skill not available / Reuse time .


I guess this could be usefull for stucksubs servers where you get crazy stats.

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