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[Trick] Make easy gold "the FUN way"

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1. Go to general goods trader and buy Wrapping paper

2. Buy any cheap item for example: weapon for few copper

3. Wrap that item with the paper

4. Go to mailbox and put the "Present" and click C.O.D. option (cash on delivery)

5. Send to random players that u assume they are stacked with gold

6. Wait for them to open their persent

7. Collect your gold


How much gold u assign is your option and differes from servet to server.

This is not a scam nor exploit, so u wont get a ban or anything.

This is plain curiosity of players :D


They say "hey its just 1G or 10G", but if u send presents to 100 players for 5G = 500G




I didn't fin this anywhere here, but if it is -> delete topic ;)




Very nice one m8!


Does anyone have an addon that sends mail to many ppl at once?


So I can try this to many ppl because to 1 person it worked.


You see a mail that costs 10g.

Well OK, It's just 10g (you think) so you open it. :P

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