bubulinas Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 1 [guide] how to write scripts First of all, you need programming skills to Object Pascal (or Delphi, which is approximately the same) and to manipulate packets naturally need to know what they are present In this topic, leash, I will describe the internal functions and variables of the program Description FastScript: (a scripting dvizhek used in the program) Available variables: pck (string) - current processable package (without first two bytes in size FromClient (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the client (vseravno that not FromServer) FromServer (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the server (that vseravno not FromClient) buf (string) - a buffer used by some functions ConnectName (string) - name of chara or to which is a package (v. 3.1.3 +) ConnectID (integer) - number of connections for which the script Available functions: ShowTab and HideTab - to display / hide the toolbar (UserTab), which can operate from a script To draw on it UserTab controls must be specified as a parent SendToClient - sends the client the contents of the variable buf SendToServer - the server sends the contents of the variable buf SendToClientEx (CharName: string) - sends the client with the name CharName contents of a variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +) SendToServerEx (CharName: string) - sends a server named CharName content variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +) (the package buf automatically added to 2 bytes length) NoFreeOnClientDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection when the client disconnect (v. 3.1.9 +) NoFreeOnServerDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection with disconnect server (v. 3.1.9 +) YesFreeOnClientDisconnect - allow closing the connection when the client disconnect (v. 3.1.9 +) YesFreeOnServerDisconnect - allow closing the connection with disconnect server (v. 3.1.9 +) (default closure allowed) DisconnectServer - closes the connection to the server (v. 3.2.0 +) DisconnectClient - closes the connection to the client (v. 3.2.0 +) ConnectNameByID (id: integer): string - returns the connection name on his ID (v. 3.2.0 +) ConnectIDByName (name: string): integer - returns the connection ID on his behalf (v. 3.2.0 +) SetName (Name: string) - sets the connection name (v. 3.2.0 +) ReadC (var index: integer): byte - reads from a variable (pck) byte ReadH (var index: integer): word - reading from a variable (pck) number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +) ReadD (var index: integer): integer - reads from a variable (pck) number (4 bytes) ReadF (var index: integer): double - reads from a variable (pck) c floating-point number (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +) ReadS (var index: integer): string - reads from a variable (pck) line (in the package nulterminirovannaya unicode string, and the resulting string is the usual Pascal) Index - start position of reading, which is modified by function (shifted by the number of bytes read) HStr (h: string): string - converts a string to HEX-sequence For example, HStr ( 'AA 00 BB 00 CC 00') will return byte string # $ AA # $ 00 # $ BB # $ 00 # $ CC # $ 00. You can pass a string with spaces as well as without them the case of letters does not matter. WriteC (v: byte; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf one byte WriteH (v: word; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +) WriteD (v: integer; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number (4 bytes) WriteF (v: double; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number c floating point (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +) WriteS (v: string) - writes in the variable buf a line (machine translation in unicode) In the first four procedures, there is an optional parameter ind. If this parameter is not specified, the variable buf is supplemented by a byte / number, otherwise part of the buffer is modified LoadLibrary (LibName: String): Integer - loads the program library LibName and returns a pointer to it (v. 3.1.8 +) FreeLibrary (LibHandle: Integer): Boolean - unloads from memory the program library (v. 3.1.8 +) CallFunction (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integ er; Params: array of variant): variant - is a function FunctionName of our pre-loaded library with a pointer LibHandle and the parameters listed in Params (v. 3.1.8 +) Example: buf = HStr ( 'AA BB CC DD EE'); If you call WriteD (10,1), we obtain buf = [0A 00 00 00 EE]. And if you simply WriteD (10), [AA BB CC DD EE 0A 00 00 00]. Example script: begin if FromClient and (ConnectName='[color=blue]skanners[/color]') and (pck=HStr('1b 04 00 00 00')) then begin buf:=HStr('45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); SendToServerEx('[color=blue]skanners[/color]'); pck:=''; end; end. Upon receipt of the client plays a chara with the nickname SokolA package 1b 04 00 00 00 (social action "Victory") nepropustit the package and send the package 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (the command to sit) on behalf of a client for playing with Chara nickname skanners, ie you are playing in two windows, one skanners1, in another skanners2, click in the first Victory, andskanners1 sits. Example functions from libraries: var lib,Lib1:Integer; Res:variant; ar:array of variant; begin lib := loadLibrary('User32.dll'); lib1 := loadLibrary('GDI32.dll'); Res := CallFunction(lib,'MessageBoxW',4,[nil,'Text1','text2',0]); Res := CallFunction(lib,'GetDC',1,[0]); CallFunction(lib1,'LineTo',3,[Res,100,100]); CallFunction(lib,'ReleaseDC',2,[0,Res]); FreeLibrary(lib); FreeLibrary(lib1); end. Under Scripts: Procedure OnConnect (WithClient: Boolean) is called when a connection is established, the flag WithClient points with the client whether there was a connection (v. 3.1.9 +) Procedure OnDisconnect (WithClient: Boolean) is caused a loss of connection (v. 3.1.9 +) Procedure Init is called when you set the checkbox next to the script. Procedure Free is called when you take away a checkmark next to the script. The main body of the script (between begin and end) is called every time you receive a package from the server or the client if the script is checked. On the Advanced tab: The main body of the script (between begin and end) is invoked by pressing the Run button, and terminated either by pressing Stop, or at the end of the script. Enjoy!! ps: i made this guide for newbie to learn make alone some script!! 2 [share]Modification L2phx 3.2.0 (official continuation of the program) New Change For l2phx!! New Project! Comfortable viewing through a browser here -> http://l2phx.pp.ru/wsvn/listing.php?repname=l2phx3&path=/&sc=1 Log message: (translate Ru - Eng) [+] Tick Kamael-helbound-gracia settings will ustanavlivatsya automatically after selecting the protocol. with its status can be changed after selecting the protocol. did build Compiled Version here -> http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/ Are there any proposals to upgrade the existing code with a description of how it should and that I would like to replace / add? The program is written in the environment of Borland Developer Studio 2006 or 2009 using the following additional libraries of components: - FastScript ( http://fast-report.com/ru/products/fast-script.html ) Page Translate :( http://fast-report.com/ru/products/fast-script.html ) FASTSCRIPT - scripting library containing 4 programming language FastScript - a library for scripting. It will be helpful for developers who want to add scripting ability to their projects. FastScript written entirely in 100% Object Pascal and can be installed in Borland Delphi 4-2009, Borland C + + Builder 4-6, Borland Kylix 1-3 and Lazarus. Maximum flexibility and power Unique opportunities FastScript - ability to use several languages (currently - PascalScript, C + + Script, JScript and BasicScript), you can write scripts using your favorite programming language. FastScript does not use Microsoft Scripting Host, so it can be used both in Windows, and in Linux. FastScript combines cross-platform, fast code execution, small footprint, rich selection of features and excellent scalability. Make your applications flexible and powerful FastScript! Features: OLE support variant arrays hierarchy of classes and functions code editor with syntax highlighting and bookmarks Multi-language architecture allows you to use multiple languages (currently - PascalScript, C + + Script, JScript, BasicScript). You can add any other procedure-oriented languages (their description is stored in XML-format) possibility of creation and execution of multilingual scripts Standard language set: variables, constants, procedures, functions (with the possibility of nesting) with var / const / default parameters, all standard operators and ads (including case, try / finally / except, with), types (int, float, bool, char, string, multi-dimensional array, variant), classes (with methods, events, properties, indices and default properties). check the compatibility of types. Access to any object in your application. Standard libraries for access to base classes, controls, forms and database. Easily expandable library architecture. Compact - 80-150Kb depending on used modules. - JCL (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jcl/) - JVCL (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jvcl/) Additional components to take here -> http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/components/ / upd: compilation of recent revisions need JCL, JVCL (link above) as well as: jwapi2.2a, SyntEdit, TRichView.v11.0 + ScaleRichView.v2.0, TsiLang ( http://letitbit.net/download/9568.e9abc119b82a7e8b364a162c4/archive.rar.html / http://upload.com.ua/get/901032112/ ) Few stripped FastScript look in the file archive. Enjoy!! 3 [share]Script "Accessibility" The unpretentious script for "deaf", forwards the message coming from your chosen chat chat PartyChannel, mostly useful for those who do not use TS, in a batch does not always have the opportunity to read the tiny letters in the chat, but with the script you want your chat will be displayed in big letters on the screen. Should work on all the chronicles, beginning and ending with the Kamael Final. Const TextType=0; //change the value under the desired chat: 0 = general chat, 1=!, //2=PM, 3=Party, 4=Clan, 8=Trade, 9=Alli, 17=Hero begin if FromServer and (pck[1]=#$4A) and (ReadD(6)=TextType) then begin buf:=pck; WriteD(15,6); pck:=buf; end; end. 4 [share]l2phx fast Enchat Name='skanners'; MaxEnchantLvl=10; ScrollId=731; ItemId=5643; BuyScrolls='A7 B1 02 00 00 E0 FD 1C 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; PacketScriptOn='38 67 00 6F 00 67 00 6F 00 67 00 6F 00 21 00 21 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; var ScrollObj,ItemObj,NumOfItems,i:integer; Timer01:TTimer; EnchLvl,MinEnch:word; ScriptOn:boolean; procedure Init; begin Timer01:=TTimer.Create(nil); Timer01.OnTimer:=@OnTimer01; Timer01.enabled:=false; Timer01.interval:=601; ScriptOn:=false; end; procedure OnTimer01(Sender: TObject); begin buf:=''; WriteC(20); WriteD(ScrollObj); WriteD(0); SendToServerEx(name); delay(327); buf:=''; WriteC(88); WriteD(ItemObj); SendToServerEx(name); timer01.enabled:=false; end; procedure Free; begin Timer01.free; end; begin if FromClient and (pck=HStr(PacketScriptOn)) then begin if not ScriptOn then begin ScriptOn:=true; buf:=HStr(BuyScrolls); SendToServerEx(name); end else begin ScriptOn:=false; end; pck:=''; end; if FromServer and (pck[1]=HStr('1B')) and ScriptOn then begin ScrollObj:=0; ItemObj:=0; NumOfItems:=ReadH(4); MinEnch:=30; for i:=1 to NumOfItems do begin If ReadD(12+36*(i-1))=ScrollId then ScrollObj:=ReadD(8+36*(i-1)); If (ReadD(12+36*(i-1))=ItemId) and (ReadH(30+36*(i-1))<=MinEnch) then begin ItemObj:=ReadD(8+36*(i-1)); MinEnch:=ReadH(30+36*(i-1)); EnchLvl:=ReadH(30+36*(i-1)); end; end; if (ScrollObj>0) and (ItemObj>0) and (EnchLvl<MaxEnchantLvl) then timer01.enabled:=true else if not(EnchLvl=MaxEnchantLvl) then begin buf:=HStr(BuyScrolls); SendToServerEx(name); end; end; end. is like script l2fast agumetation!! Credits = 1 rusian site :) http://coderx.ru
bubulinas Posted September 8, 2009 Author Posted September 8, 2009 5 [share]Flood programs with this program you can flood some server's photo Downloand Credit's = _nobodY_ and skanners How to IP Flood Host Boot Program Included v1 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLe2dEy0byQ Warning: i am not responsible for any and all results due to the use of these programs herein. Just protecting myself. Credit's => KiD and Me for Share it Downloand Port all the time is 7777 and for guide look the photo Downloand 6 [share] How You Down 1 Server Ok you wanna down 1 Server??? but onlly l2j and home machine (is manny there) ok some step's 1.Click: Start -> Run -> CMD 6 after you run -> CMD u have some step ping -f ip_victima ping -t -l 65000 ip_victim ping -t -l 45000 ip_victim ping -t -l 25000 ip_victim ping -t -l 15000 Ip_victim Push Enter after w8 some min ,good luck PS: Where you see "ip_victima" you need put ip from yor victim ex "". 7 [share]l2phx Fast enchant 2 Fast, New, lp2hx enchant. What could be better?! 1. You will need 3 weapon you want to enchant and enough enchant scrolls 2. Go to your l2phx and look the sniffer, delete all, and active only the C button. 3. Next enchant each weapon to +1, you'll see there 3 process for one for each enchantment. So copy the 3 processes for each +1 weapon enchant. 4. After you copy all 9 addresses just send the packets repetitively for about 30 seconds, you will make at least one or two +20 weapons. *This trick works on all gracia 2 servers that I have tested! Cheers! 8 [share] Interlude Preconfigurate Pack by ME Ok guy's Frist i wanna show you some photo i will not share the pack YET .. after i see some nice come about this pack i will share de link of downloand!! #Anty Phx Anoncement # Anty Ench Phx # Anty Agument Stuck # Anty Chanting hack # Anty Multy Skill Bug # Rb ALL edited with special skill and special drop #all farming area Work #anty Trade hack # l2jArchid Preconfigurate by me #Anty GM coruption (if give + or item's on trade to some1 got auto BAN) Downloand Server pack RapidShare Downloand Server pack MegaUploader Downloand Data Base RapidShare Downloand Data Base MegaUploader Gm Shop Agumenter! http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/5049/shot00014w.jpg[/img] Special Shop http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8168/shot00015nah.jpg[/img] Clan Skill Seler http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5033/shot00016u.jpg[/img] Special Gateekeper http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/9808/shot00017n.jpg[/img] Buffer and in farming area all moob's i edit`ing with nice drop for special shop!! soo say yor opinion! 9 [share] Server packs repository+Tools Well the purpouse of this thread is to merge in some way all the server packs shares... I think if we merge them all in one place things will be a lil less messed up and will avoid many questions from new users. SERVER PACKS L2JFree CT2 Gracia Part 2 Branch (Has Legacy CT1 support) - Clean Compile, no extras Login Server CT2.2 Stable Release 1.2.0 (You need this one for latest 1.2.12 release) http://rapidshare.com/files/245450685/CT2.2_loginserver_1.2.0.zip Login Server CT1.5 Stable Release 1.1.0 (Obsolete for latest 1.2.12 stable release, download the new one up here) http://rapidshare.com/files/122858350/CT1.5_loginserver_1.1.0.zip GeoServer Rev 1.2.0 (Standalone server to share 1 geoserver on 2+ gameservers) <<<<<<< Useless since CT2 Part 2 Stable 1.2.10 http://rapidshare.com/files/155779496/l2jfree-geoserver-dist_1.2.0.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT2 Part 2 Stable Release 1.2.12 (Development ended! This is the final rev of CT2.2 branch. Next one will be Gracia Final 1.3.0) http://rapidshare.com/files/245433840/l2jfree-gameserver-dist_Stable_1.2.12_CT2_Part_2.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT2 Part 2 Stable Release 1.2.11 http://rapidshare.com/files/207398097/l2jfree-gameserver-dist_Stable_1.2.11_CT2_Part_2.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT2 Part 2 Stable Release 1.2.10 http://rapidshare.com/files/193195161/l2jfree-gameserver-dist_Stable_1.2.10_CT2_Part_2.zip CT2 Gracia Part 1 Branch (Has Legacy CT1 support) - Clean Compile, no extras Login Server CT1.5 Stable Release 1.1.0 (Yes, the old one works) http://rapidshare.com/files/122858350/CT1.5_loginserver_1.1.0.zip UP// GeoServer Rev 1.2.0 (Standalone server to share 1 geoserver on 2+ gameservers) http://rapidshare.com/files/155779496/l2jfree-geoserver-dist_1.2.0.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT2 Stable Release 1.2.3 http://rapidshare.com/files/155779396/l2jfree-gameserver-dist_CT2_Stable_1.2.3.zip CT1.5 Hellbound Branch (Has Legacy CT1 support) - Clean Compile, no extras Login Server CT1.5 Stable Release 1.1.0 http://rapidshare.com/files/122858350/CT1.5_loginserver_1.1.0.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT1.5 Stable Release 1.1.5A (Development ended! This is the final rev of CT1.5 Hellbound branch) http://rapidshare.com/files/137275595/CT1.5_gameserver_1.1.5A.zip Gameserver+Datapack CT1.5 Stable Release 1.1.4 http://rapidshare.com/files/134732323/l2jfree-gameserver-dist_CT1.5_Stable_1.1.4.zip CT1 Branch - Clean Compile, no extras Rev 3556 (Last one with CT1-Only support) http://rapidshare.com/files/109688089/CT1_L2JFree_3556.7z Interlude Branch - Clean Compile, no extras Rev 2741 (Development ended! This is the final rev of Interlude branch) http://rapidshare.com/files/82353406/IL_L2JFree_2741_-_Final.7z L2EMU CT1.5 Hellbound Branch (Has Legacy CT1 support) - Clean Compile, no extras Rev 3634 http://rapidshare.com/files/114004525/CT1_L2EMU_3634.7z CT1 Branch - Clean Compile, no extras Rev 3258 http://rapidshare.com/files/109688175/CT1_L2EMU_3258.7z Interlude Branch - Clean Compile, no extras Rev 1453 (Development ended! This is the final rev of Interlude branch) http://rapidshare.com/files/78817160/IL_L2JEmu_1453_-_Final.7z Geodatas & Pathnodes CT2 Part 2 Branch CT2 Part 2 Geodata Rev 363 http://rapidshare.com/files/193202406/L2-Geodata_-_Geodatas_CT2_Part_2_Rev_363.rar CT2 Part 1 Branch CT2 Part 1 Geodata Rev 338 - Part 1 http://rapidshare.com/files/155784357/L2-Geodata_-_Geodata_CT2_Rev_338.part1.rar CT2 Part 1 Geodata Rev 338 - Part 2 http://rapidshare.com/files/155785478/L2-Geodata_-_Geodata_CT2_Rev_338.part2.rar Pathnodes are generated on the fly now, so no need to use pre-generated ones OTHER TOOLS Michelle's Dropcalc With CT2 Support??? Rev 164 http://rapidshare.com/files/155786189/Michelle_s_L2JDropcalc_Rev_164.7z With CT1 Support! Rev 108 http://rapidshare.com/files/120872767/Michelle_s_L2JDropcalc_Rev_108.7z L2DAT_EncDec Rev 30 (CT2 Part 1 Support) http://www.l2j-jp.info/filez/L2Dat_EncDecSetup_Rev30.msi Lineage II - Multisell Manager 1.2 http://rapidshare.com/files/67631574/L2Multisell_1.2.rar (Needs Microsoft .NET 2 Framework to work) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/results.aspx?pocId=&freetext=Framework&DisplayLang=en f you wanna talk about anything in here do it on 10 [share] fake WebCam for msn and yahoo Tutorial Fake WebCam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvltIH72zeY Downloand 11 [share]Jokker Skin my new creation...!!! if u swich yor windous chanell apered this one or if u close yor pc/open it u have 1 nice photo with joker i made it :) i have manny program's to share .. but may be is wrog section,, i dont know in what section to share some program's like MsN Scan(to se who is on/off/inv) universal hider to hide manny program's(when u play anothor game.. to close l2 client but stil yo`r online.. so guy's tell me where i can share thi program's and i will share..:) downloand -> http://www.4shared.com/file/123891467/269bb433/Joker_skin.html Enjoy!!
Vyper Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Yeah man... as the guy above me told.. At Least 100 LOL .. Cuz I will make 100 soon :)
Lain Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 This topic is kinda all in one from everything. You should split the topic and make few topics, posting them in different sections.
Zorr0 Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 This topic is kinda all in one from everything. You should split the topic and make few topics, posting them in different sections. agree good info but too much for 1 olnly topic
GrisoM Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 This topic is kinda all in one from everything. You should split the topic and make few topics, posting them in different sections. Indeed the second post doesnt have almost nothing to do with exploits :/ Locked, if you want make 2 threads as lain said, in 1 put all your exploits and in the other your L2J shares.
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