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First of all, you need programming skills to Object Pascal (or Delphi, which is approximately the same) and to manipulate packets naturally need to know what they are present


In this topic, leash, I will describe the internal functions and variables of the program


Description FastScript: (a scripting dvizhek used in the program)


Available variables:


pck (string) - current processable package (without first two bytes in size


FromClient (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the client (vseravno that not FromServer)

FromServer (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the server (that vseravno not FromClient)

buf (string) - a buffer used by some functions

ConnectName (string) - name of chara or to which is a package (v. 3.1.3 +)

ConnectID (integer) - number of connections for which the script



Available functions:


ShowTab and HideTab - to display / hide the toolbar (UserTab), which can operate from a script

To draw on it UserTab controls must be specified as a parent

SendToClient - sends the client the contents of the variable buf

SendToServer - the server sends the contents of the variable buf

SendToClientEx (CharName: string) - sends the client with the name CharName contents of a variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +)

SendToServerEx (CharName: string) - sends a server named CharName content variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +)

(the package buf automatically added to 2 bytes length)



NoFreeOnClientDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection when the client disconnect (v. 3.1.9 +)

NoFreeOnServerDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection with disconnect server (v. 3.1.9 +)

YesFreeOnClientDisconnect - allow closing the connection when the client disconnect (v. 3.1.9 +)

YesFreeOnServerDisconnect - allow closing the connection with disconnect server (v. 3.1.9 +)

(default closure allowed)

DisconnectServer - closes the connection to the server (v. 3.2.0 +)

DisconnectClient - closes the connection to the client (v. 3.2.0 +)



ConnectNameByID (id: integer): string - returns the connection name on his ID (v. 3.2.0 +)

ConnectIDByName (name: string): integer - returns the connection ID on his behalf (v. 3.2.0 +)

SetName (Name: string) - sets the connection name (v. 3.2.0 +)


ReadC (var index: integer): byte - reads from a variable (pck) byte

ReadH (var index: integer): word - reading from a variable (pck) number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

ReadD (var index: integer): integer - reads from a variable (pck) number (4 bytes)

ReadF (var index: integer): double - reads from a variable (pck) c floating-point number (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

ReadS (var index: integer): string - reads from a variable (pck) line (in the package nulterminirovannaya unicode string, and the resulting string is the usual Pascal)

Index - start position of reading, which is modified by function (shifted by the number of bytes read)


HStr (h: string): string - converts a string to HEX-sequence

For example, HStr ( 'AA 00 BB 00 CC 00') will return byte string # $ AA # $ 00 # $ BB # $ 00 # $ CC # $ 00. You can pass a string with spaces as well as without them the case of letters does not matter.


WriteC (v: byte; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf one byte

WriteH (v: word; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

WriteD (v: integer; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number (4 bytes)

WriteF (v: double; ind: integer = 0) - writes in the variable buf number c floating point (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

WriteS (v: string) - writes in the variable buf a line (machine translation in unicode)

In the first four procedures, there is an optional parameter ind. If this parameter is not specified, the variable buf is supplemented by a byte / number, otherwise part of the buffer is modified


LoadLibrary (LibName: String): Integer - loads the program library LibName and returns a pointer to it

(v. 3.1.8 +)

FreeLibrary (LibHandle: Integer): Boolean - unloads from memory the program library (v. 3.1.8 +)

CallFunction (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integ er; Params: array of variant): variant - is a function FunctionName of our pre-loaded library with a pointer LibHandle and the parameters listed in Params (v. 3.1.8 +)



buf = HStr ( 'AA BB CC DD EE');

If you call WriteD (10,1), we obtain buf = [0A 00 00 00 EE].

And if you simply WriteD (10), [AA BB CC DD EE 0A 00 00 00].


Example script:


 if FromClient and (ConnectName='bubulina') 
 and (pck=HStr('1b 04 00 00 00')) then begin
   buf:=HStr('45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00');


Upon receipt of the client plays a chara with the nickname SokolA package 1b 04 00 00 00 (social action "Victory") nepropustit the package and send the package 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (the command to sit) on behalf of a client for playing with Chara nickname bubulina, ie you are playing in two windows, one bubulina1, in another bubulina2, click in the first Victory, andbubulina1 sits.


Example functions from libraries:


 ar:array of variant;
 lib := loadLibrary('User32.dll');
 lib1 := loadLibrary('GDI32.dll');
 Res := CallFunction(lib,'MessageBoxW',4,[nil,'Text1','text2',0]);
 Res := CallFunction(lib,'GetDC',1,[0]);


Under Scripts:

Procedure OnConnect (WithClient: Boolean) is called when a connection is established, the flag WithClient points with the client whether there was a connection (v. 3.1.9 +)

Procedure OnDisconnect (WithClient: Boolean) is caused a loss of connection (v. 3.1.9 +)

Procedure Init is called when you set the checkbox next to the script.

Procedure Free is called when you take away a checkmark next to the script.

The main body of the script (between begin and end) is called every time you receive a package from the server or the client if the script is checked.


On the Advanced tab:

The main body of the script (between begin and end) is invoked by pressing the Run button, and terminated either by pressing Stop, or at the end of the script.




ps: i made this guide for newbie to learn make alone some script!!



Really nice tutorial. But add the proper credits to their owners.

yea sry.. but i am from there..xD and this guide i make my self.. go there and look aghain is not the same :)

yea sry.. but i am from there..xD and this guide i make my self.. go there and look aghain is not the same :)

Oh ok then :P , but the original explaination for the commands comes from there :P . Anyway the guide is very well-written

, gratz mate.


Oh ok then :P , but the original explaination for the commands comes from there :P . Anyway the guide is very well-written

, gratz mate.

i know but this one i made my self!! ;) but any way thx!! :)

yea sry.. but i am from there..xD and this guide i make my self.. go there and look aghain is not the same :)

This is copy and paste form coderx.ru . You just transfer it to english.Stop lying lol.




This is copy and paste form coderx.ru . You just transfer it to english.Stop lying lol.



  go and translate it.. and you will see is not the same..!! omfg .. i put new thing's there !!

  go and translate it.. and you will see is not the same..!! omfg .. i put new thing's there !!

Take much skills add ur name in text after i worte that you copy paste form another forum T___T .

You should really stop lying beause is make urself looks like a *****

Well defend yourself but you know is a lie.





Take much skills add ur name in text after i worte that you copy paste form another forum T___T .

You should really stop lying beause is make urself looks like a *****

Well defend yourself but you know is a lie.






1 is in english so is not copy paste 

2 i say is  here..

i know but this one i made my self!! ;) but any way thx!! :)


Quote from: Stealth on Today at 01:22:51 AM
Oh ok then  , but the original explaination for the commands comes from there  . Anyway the guide is very well-written
, gratz mate.
i know but this one i made my self!!  but any way thx!! 



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