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2 Worlds Yet1 Faction Server and 1 PvP


L2 Server Rates


5000x Exp

5000x SP

1000x Adena

+7Safe/+35 Max Rate 80&(Normal Scroll's)92%(Blessed Scroll's)

Retail Enchant Rates


L2 Server Features


# Auto-learn skills.

# DAILY Updates - Active Development.

# Respect to our community.

# Active GMs.

# 100% Balanced - 100% Uptime.


# Increased weight limit for characters.

# Alliances consist of a maximum of 5 clans.

# Daily Events.

# Mostly of the skills are working (We work hard to daily implement more).

# Smart and Powerful Spawn PK Guard.

# Limited and Fair Donations.

# Automated Remote Backups Daily, so there is no chance of any data loss.

# Mana Potions with Custom Reuse Delay

# Wedding Priest at Giran.

# Global Gatekeeper.

# Flagged Players Cant Use Gatekeepers.

# Custom Game Courency and Custom Global Drops.

# Fully working Interlude Clan System.

# Vitality System Fully Working.

# Custom Commands in Game for Players

# Duel System fully working. (1v1 and Party Duel)

# Limited Buff Slots.

# Augmentation fully working.

# Limited Clan Penalties.

# Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops.

# Custom TvT Event every 2h joinable with command .join and .leave

# Subclasses.

# Noblesse.

# Olympiad fully working.

# Hero System and hero skills.

# Retail-like clan halls.

# Sieges 100%.

# Full GM-Shop (all you need is there)

# General buffs, songs and dances last 2 hours.

# Prophecies / CoV / Gift of Queen last 4 minutes.

# Automatic classmaster

# Custom RaidBoss Event every 4 hours.

# General Buffs in NPC buffers.

# Internet speed: 100Mbit speed

# Cronica: The 2nd. Throne - FINAL 2.3

# Added skill: Summon Imperial Phoenix.

# Added skill: Special Ability: Critical Damage (Duals +4)

# Added skill: Bless the Blood.

# Added skill: Seal of Limit.

# Added handler for learning skills through items (forgotten scrolls).

# Added Quest: Zero Hour.

# Added Quest: The Seed of Destruction.

# Added Quest: The Seed of Infinity.

# Added Quest: Journy to Gracia.

# Added Quest: Containing The Attribute Power

# Added Town zone: for Keucereus area.

# Added Landing zones: for aerial cleft entrance/keucereus area.

# Added Flying transformations.

# Landing zones for seed entrances

# Skills for fly transformation

# Skill container

# Recipes

# New pots allowed only while in flying transfor

And even more, join and find out!

L2 Server Hardware


Our Server is located in the Purtogal.

Server Pc Info: Phenom Quad 955 3.2Ghz

| 8192 MB DDR3 RAM | 500 GB 7.200 RPM


100mbps Uplink Public Connection

Windows 2003 Server Std

Cisco Hardware Firewall



|                                           |

|     www.l2finalempire.com        |







it is faction and pvp server right?


edit:faction server only me online and i like faction servers :( when server opened?


edit2:pvp server 18 players ok i will stay here


edit3:server is great

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