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Problima sto Compiling



Gia sas.Auto to error den to exw ksanasinantisei :




C:\workspace\L2JArchid\L2J-Archid-Login\build.xml:64: Unable to find a javac compiler;

com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.

Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.

It is currently set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6"




Katef8ian 8a pite oti den exw ftiaksei tis metablites.Alla tis exw ftiaksei poli kala.Akolou8isa afto to guide  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11757.0  .Alla otan piga na kanw compile to Gameserver mou ebgale to idio problima alla  anti8eta.Diladi anti na lei gia tin JRE nou elege gia tin JDK.Den exw ksanasinantisei pote afto to problima.Stin metabliti JAVA_HOME exo balei to path tis JDK mou(Opws elege to guide).Mipos kserete ti mporei na ftei ?


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Katef8ian 8a pite oti den exw ftiaksei tis metablites.Alla tis exw ftiaksei poli kala.Akolou8isa afto to guide  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11757.0  .Alla otan piga na kanw compile to Gameserver mou ebgale to idio problima alla  anti8eta.Diladi anti na lei gia tin JRE nou elege gia tin JDK.Den exw ksanasinantisei pote afto to problima.Stin metabliti JAVA_HOME exo balei to path tis JDK mou(Opws elege to guide).Mipos kserete ti mporei na ftei ?

exeis kanei restart to pc sou?

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Eeeee.Oxi.Les na ftei afto ?


Ekana rr.Alla den li8ike.Brika to problima.Alla den mporw na to lisw.Den mporei na brei tin Java.Ekana Unistall kai meta pali Install.Ekana rr to pc mou alla akoma o server mou den diabaze tin Java.Egw ekana kati stis metablites...




Ok paidia.To problima li8ike.Euxaruisto osous endifer8ikane.Kapios na kanei Lock to Topic !

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Ok paidia.To problima li8ike.Euxaruisto osous endifer8ikane.Kapios na kanei Lock to Topic !

otan tha alazeis kati apo to sistima tou pc s opws px glwsa kai tetia tha kaneis panta rr na to thimase.

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