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Which is the most time you have spent on a server?

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First played for a short while ( something like 3 months ) on a local low rate retail like server. Then I started to get bored and friends left too.

    So then I found l2phoenix (a stack sub server 1+1) Played there for something like a year, maybe less, it was a long time ago. Quite low rates. quests etc. the pvp was strongly unbalanced there . then left . Played there where it was c4 only.

    After that I found l2gold and played there for something like a year maybe even more, got myself good gear had lots of pvp fun etc. , then left and not long after that the server closed and l2g-oldskool was reopened. and played there for a short while.

      Between those I sometimes played some random high rate servers for pvp fun, tried everything except c5, because by the time there was interlude introduced. Generally high rate pvp servers never last fro a long time for me.

      Then left l2 completely.  To summ it up, wasted a lot of my time playing l2 . And looking forward to waste some more. But in that time I never used any exploits and stuff like that. Now I value my time more, so I'm taking the backdoor path to l2 riches and pvp, hah.



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1 year on Nightmare 30x,on another's server's i don't play serious only for fun,i search a substuck server 1+1  8),and mby i will play some years  :)

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