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Demonic SouL

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im so bored and  nervous i cant explain some guys from this forum wtf they have on the head?yeah im sure they are crack head..so i will write some thinks

for first i know my english sux...if u wont dont read it..

eh lets start




i cant explain how a guy can post a thx to exploits section?he dont have eyes?:S no i dont believe it...if u want to -beep- this forum plz stop it...make ur -beep-ing brain to work,oh ya is this the correct section?yeah it is!now i can post correctly...is this a greek section or a english?oh yeah i will watch on the top of my screen!


|-+  Massive Multiplayer Online RPG Forum» General Discussion» Start new topic

YEAH it is!turn of ur brain...

when u make a new topic dont write one thousand times plz help...just wait for our help...because very much useres make this wrong ,if u need help post on the [help] section and not on the general of a topic...this is the best way to hold clear the site...

oh he post wrong!!!ohhhh wrong section!u are just a simple user?dont write something if its wrong if u have something for the subject to say write it,but if someone is wrong report it or stfu :)

the staff of our forum is for this job i think  :-X

'nice share' +1 karma! a mod have the criticism if the share is + for karma!if u was have the autoritty to give karma write but...u havent!

the mods is just like the other members,but they help the site to be clear ....for every think happens on our forum they speak together and if the think is hard they make a poll or something!





noone make everything he want!


u want ask someone something?send a pm dont make a topic...


a recommended theme is the users...the 95% of the users just leech not only take everything u see,if u know  about something tell ur opinion and help the other users ,like the 5%...


the spam is a spam topic ,yeah but dont -beep- it!we have fan with this topic!and dont post on the spam topic everything ..like GM server


i dont have so much time...its so much other thinks i know...


im sure this topic will be rotten again...i have make so much topics but...


i want to request something too,a section with the rules and more...


Bb Your Friend Thanos47...i have to cut my gazon  :)

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a re thano mhn kathese kai skas ^^


Jeesssss all this happens just because a kid that wanted to increase his postcount (remember that photo ^^) got punished, hell WTF DO YOU BELIEVE? Do you think that the target in our life is to become a mod, OR TO GET HONOUR?


I'm totally against karma, i tell it for the 10000000th time, but i agree with <<hidden>> karma (or i would say, hidden NEGATIVE karma). A kind of report, that mods would have the right to access to, and to <<add a minus value>> and a comment for a member. This means that the administrator will have a point of view for the flamers/spammers around and he would get rid of them (they don't help at all). Positive karma SHOULD BE REMOVED. (It's like the ipb/vb system ^^ I was a mod a long time ago on an IPB powered forum that's why i love that). The rest shouldn't be able to view karma etc.


And....... why the heck don't the mods start punish a little bit more, like ragezone? You get infracted even for posting a topic without prefix! That's the way it should be, on 3 infractions, bb! NO MERCY, EVEN FOR GOOD MEMBERS!



Btw, what do you think about karma? Do we have to get +1 for one guide? IF SOME1 WANTS TO HELP, HE WILL DO IT, WITH OR WITHOUT THAT KIND OF <<REWARD>> SYSTEM, (and that's something that kids won't appreciate a lot). Let's get rid of <<virtual members>> who are fanciful and want to prove something that they can't in real life. By this way, we will get rid of little spammers.



Anyway, i'm not in the position to judge anything.


palio savoures


De to katalava auto?


Mallon tha ennoei na stamathsoume na sabouronoume tis pitses me to tsoubali, pwpwpwp, exei parei fwtia to tilefwno me afti ti zesth :P Bira, pitsa kai TV ftw!

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