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phx no  work here i have test have good packet but server  is sux  in the first week admin add donates and he told  this time server no have donate one  friend from net he played but he stop when he see one donator warlord hit him 7k critical and he hit with archer 1.6 critical to warlord


If you talk about the warlord that i think you dont have to worried about him anymore. You can kill donator i saw many players do it in the server i guess you left before changes.

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Server suck ... GM Corrupted ... give to friends items ... I saw about 5 donators (friends of GM) :)

BB and HF GL WITH srv friend ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought there were NO donations :o

Anyway, I rather set my computer on fire than pay 350 EUROS for a fucking server that will close when the retards donated that much.

Maybe I will try logging in :P

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Server is OK, but LOW COMMUNITY and there is many people who are dick and PK u.

Anyway, FIND ME!






Btw srv corrupted ... Admin give to friends items and say they're donators and lolipop have own char named GhostRider ...



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Btw srv corrupted ... Admin give to friends items and say they're donators and lolipop have own char named GhostRider ...





Oo Maybe you say that because admin gave you his test char account and then he remove it and you was not able to play. Anyway if you don't like our server just don't enter and just don't reply in this topic.

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1. i dont have lag

2. about corruption , where did you see the corruption ?????? just because some guys donate that is corruption ???

3. GM chars ???? Yeah nC joke btw about the GhostRider is a char of a friend of mine that let me play sometimes and for your info he have rein armor +20 and forti armor +15 and his jewels is +18 just because he knows how to play that doesnt mean that he is GM char. I saw many chars kill donators and i saw that some players knows how to play and some they dont have any idea how to play. As GM i'm tellin' ya that i am too busy on players problems exchnage events etc to find some time to play. Soon i will create a char with my name to play a bit of myself. I will delete the aio char in GM's clan that i have make for fun and i will make a char with name NoDoubt i just hope the players help me farm my gear :)

4. Balance is something that admins and developer wotking now

5. community soon it will ingrease

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Well lolipop server IS corruption :)


Admin gived me his acc with full items +25 wpn+30 and i play on it as normal player ...

Later some (about 6 ppl) pm me and they're know who i am (admin)

Thats why i think thats corrupted and those ppl's are already +max items all ...

Anyway i dont think so someone will donate at crappy srv xD xP

And just take a look for donation list ... Price are "no comment" and i dont think so someone donate it ... pff

And lolipop sorry GhostRider :) xD Dont lie mxc members because srv is tottaly unbalance no gm online and fcking corrupted! :)

Regards ;)

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And lolipop sorry GhostRider xD Dont lie mxc members because srv is tottaly unbalance no gm online and fcking corrupted!




1. I am not lie in mxc members

2. NO GM ONLINE ? when i am online atleast 15hours per day? Thats great

3. Mark is GhostRider ( i wont say his second char name )

4. We are not corrupt

5. Already 10 ppl have donate

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Yeah... donator hit me for like 30 000 damage on crit Lol...

If that is NOT unbalance, than what is?

I think GM char is GamikoSpS because he has like 400000000 Pdef and takes 6 archers to kill him...

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I said that admins they working on class balance not that balance is ready. And GamikoSpS is not even GM lol. I know who is GM and who is not because we are only 5 ppl in GM team. So if you don't know who is GM and who is not don't speak because the GM is like this


RaVeN - Administrator & Dev *


Accusync - Administrator & DB Dev *


Unknow -  GM & Admin Dev *


LolipopGirl - Head GM


Darkness - GM

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