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Because if one server have corrupted GM's Then bb server,Most of the people where seen corrupted GM's are saying bye bye... :S.


Anyway... I will try to support you :)


That is why we have taken extra care in making sure that there will be no corruption.

Thanks Again!

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Well website awesome :) I think so this is THAT srv where i will stay :) What i was looking for age's ... ;)

Now im gonna put the server site at my MSN To bring more ppl :)

Ziggo if u can make max 25 or chance 80-85 because now enchant a little boring =/ I dont think so ppl like encahnt all staffto +30 and with this chance lol :)

Anyway i join it ^^

See you ingame Brzoza


Edit: i reinstall gracia final and im not l2.exe i must make update ??? :P

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the only part that i dont like is the max (+30) that is a starwars and not l2 i am not flamming i just saying what i rly think.if it possible decrease to +15 or 20 to remind more l2.


Gl with your server ziggo

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the only part that i dont like is the max (+30) that is a starwars and not l2 i am not flamming i just saying what i rly think.if it possible decrease to +15 or 20 to remind more l2.


Gl with your server ziggo


I set it at +30 to make it so that people who got +30 weapons would own. The max someone can donate for is +25 so you wont see many +30 weapons or armor ingame. Just like in retail how their is only like a few +16 Weapons in the entire game. Thats the logic behind my thinking.


Well website awesome :) I think so this is THAT srv where i will stay :) What i was looking for age's ... ;)

Now im gonna put the server site at my MSN To bring more ppl :)

Ziggo if u can make max 25 or chance 80-85 because now enchant a little boring =/ I dont think so ppl like encahnt all staffto +30 and with this chance lol :)

Anyway i join it ^^

See you ingame Brzoza


Edit: i reinstall gracia final and im not l2.exe i must make update ??? :P


Thank you for the complement most likely wont be changing the enchant rate or the max, but that you for the suggestion.  ;)

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deffinitelly a good server. I like the point that u said about the donation +1 for u. Enyway i cant find the patch :/


[EDIT] i would really like to test the server. Can enyone update the patch for me?


[EDIT2] ok i found it in forum, but u should add it at the page "how to connect" or smthg :)

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ye but this is suposed to be pvp server not retail :/ i think u should add at least 2nd job buffs


Well thats your opinion. Not everyone wants to play a server where the buffer has every buff in the game. Lineage 2 is about community and by making players ask players for buffs or create buffers it strengthens the server's community and the economy.

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Some donated item prices ,in my opinion should change.



1# Skill Enchants:

* +15 Skill : 10 Euros 

This is going to make some donators a bit OP for just 10 euros considering that a debuff plays a huge roll in pve,pvp and with that enchantment it's chances will be so boosted that it may land most of the times such a skill is casted.

2#Clan lvl10, Max Clan Skills,200k Rep Points: 25 Euros

25 Euros are earned in maybe 1h-2h of work but a clan lvl 10 with full clan skills and that much reputation may needs years.


There are more examples ,but I am sure you will bring balance to the list D:


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