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Got permabanned on DEX? "Access Failed "-> There is a only one soultion

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Hi all

Some months ago i got banned on dex and i wanted to start again, but when i was trying to log in,- got message: "Access Failed":


As Catalin said it can be only:


1. antyvirus

2. connection problem


if it's ban it should be "there is no time left on this account". BUT he didn't precised do permaban is it.

I'm sure if got permabanned u should have "acces failed". Changing serial window key, reainstal OS, change ip will dont help


THE HOPE is one just install l2 on other  new HDD.


I have hope i helped some ppl who maybe will want back to play soon on fresh server. gl


you can login now? or you just gonna try???


if you can login again, that means they ban HDD id and no account or ip, so, you can change ID of HDD and you dont need to use another disk ^^




i just see this post, is same as my download but with program interface :P



Ye you have right, change hdd's id should work too. I didn't looked for that i just connect my other HDD and install l2.

I'm sure i got acc ban, but don't know do Ip too, becouse i changed ip last time.


lol acc ban dont need change IP becouse ....




Yuor acc is : 123


//ban 123


just u have ban on your acc 123


how can u remove acc ban ? no ideas i need know to :)

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