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[Forum-Related] More Rights!


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I think more rights should be added to normal members such as being able to delete their own posts or close topics that are created by them , what do you think ? ;).

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i think that you are missing your privs as wow mod ;P

Yeap xD

But neither platinums have the priv to lock their own topics...

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So how am i Lacking them or missing them. Its for everyone's good. Deleting own replies + closing own topics is a good thing for the normal users to have. Everyone makes mistakes such as  double posts etc.. so why not be able to delete them.. -.-' Or f.e someones topic is getting spammed why not closing it instead of asking a mod to answer for years.

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Deleting your own posts can make moderators life harder example i flame you.You will go and report it but i have deleted my post.


Moderator : there is the flaming post? o.o


Reporter : It was right here 4th reply!


Moderator : It may got deleted by the owner qq.


Also how it will be seen at Recent Posts then i make a post and after i delete it? Someone will click on the recent post list and it will say him post deleted ? :s



About locking your own topics well i don't have clear opinion here no anwser

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So how am i Lacking them or missing them. Its for everyone's good. Deleting own replies + closing own topics is a good thing for the normal users to have. Everyone makes mistakes such as  double posts etc.. so why not be able to delete them.. -.-' Or f.e someones topic is getting spammed why not closing it instead of asking a mod to answer for years.


double posts are the evidence for us to dekarma ppl :>

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I think more rights should be added to normal members such as being able to delete their own posts or close topics that are created by them , what do you think ? ;).



I agree with what Phoenix says + what about a member that has shared a lot of usefull shares gets banned? Then he will remove all these shares..

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I agree with what Phoenix says + what about a member that has shared a lot of usefull shares gets banned? Then he will remove all these shares..


If he's banned how could he delete his shares? =P

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i think its logical that if a simple member can.. a donator can as well..


but anyway.. like this 500 or so posts is much... i see some romanian guy just today made 50 of em with.. "this is good share" posts lol.

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