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Where's your prob about ideal gaming?Leeching forum?In every share that it has been shared here too,We gave credits and reported our "source".I can't understand you sometimes mate..


yeee u know he's brain accident ... xD

Anyway he's gonna ban u too ... =( xD

That sad ...=( xD


And true there wasnt any leech ;O

but u know his selfish >_<

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sorry m8 , but when u are a i-net strong guy and in real life you are a gay , that pretends the big guy that smoking weed etc etc you cant be anything else than ridiculous..i posted my pictures many times in this forum like many persons here like you afraid posting em because they will scare us ..


Have a good night and dont forget give a shot to your dick and let him out of your jeans .. he will be more stupid than you


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Where's your prob about ideal gaming?Leeching forum?In every share that it has been shared here too,We gave credits and reported our "source".I can't understand you sometimes mate..


Don't try to find logic at his actions.

He is an abnormal Snowman.

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Yea leave this stupid 40 y/o virgin alone guys , we are gonna have some parties with beers in gr topic lateh xD

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well imo i aggre with Haroc aka Revenger ;p


i think grison think ideal gaming will be better than mxc  (but it need lot of time)

And he just do it ... ALL KNOW THERE WASNT ANY LEECH :O


But u know ... spend time in comp and ban all its fun ... and irl gay ^^ xD



Its just bussines! Dont take it Personally ... :)


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Where's your prob about ideal gaming?Leeching forum?In every share that it has been shared here too,We gave credits and reported our "source".I can't understand you sometimes mate..


Don't try to find logic at his actions.




i think it's time to kill the other site now? :D


I'll deface a big site soon ;D


sorry m8 , but when u are a i-net strong guy and in real life you are a gay , that pretends the big guy that smoking weed etc etc you cant be anything else than ridiculous


So? are you homofobic?


i posted my pictures many times in this forum like many persons here like you afraid posting em because they will scare us ..


M... why post it here? as karmaarrow said, i wont post a pic of myself in a forum full of stupid people D:


Ask noble or kenji or maxtor or well other 10 users how do i look ;D


Have a good night and dont forget give a shot to your dick and let him out of your jeans .. he will be more stupid than you





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Where the fack you saw same subject in 2 sites?idealgaming is a gaming site not a cheating site or MMO site only , chill out pro hacker aka GrisoM before i will be the one that will make you non-virgin from behind


Sucker ,


Leave him guys , this person has dicks instead of brain

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Actually ideal had nothing to do with mxc..

It was for clear discussing + developing, so you can't compare these two.


I had told to KraSh the reason that this forum will fail, and he said that he will do something..


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