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[Exploit] Make your victim disconnect (kick)


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Yo guys.


Does anyone bother you in game and you want to get rid of him atleast for few minutes? No problem.

Even If you're not a GM you can actually kick him. Using my guide:


Works on lineage2rebirth.com (100%) (tested by my friend)

  • Start your L2phx
  • Start your client
  • Write a private message (pm) to your victim
  • Go to sniffer and find packet "Say2"
  • Copy the packet and insert it into "Send packets"
  • Change 100 msec to 5 msec and tick the "sends every"


Congratulations your viction has crashed.


If you wander what have you done to your victim here's the explanation. You copied the packet with your first pm and you've inserted it to send it again. But in so fast interval (5 msec) that it caused a crash to victim's client, which cannot handle it. You can also change the message (text) and the victim (pm reciever) via String - Hex in "More (Advanced). Thank you for your attention reading this all.


Credits: Me


Regards, Lainthor.gif

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Well...I Think i will become hero on some servers if i start L2 again.. :)



GG Lain , awesome share..i didn't expect something so easy & cool anyway

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Please hide your post with the same quantum as the first post.


And to answer your topic, let the phx doing its job (pming the victim) until the victim crashes. Dunno how long does it take, but shouldn't take too long I guess.


What are your results? And where have you tried it? (off/java and chronicle/throne?)

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You mean it writes in the chat "Name *the message* and it doesn't go in the private-messages channel?


If this is what you ment, then it means it is fixed.

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to say the truth i didn't test it yet but i have a question! with this you crash the vistim! the victim must make a rr or it be disconnected??

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to say the truth i didn't test it yet but i have a question! with this you crash the vistim! the victim must make a rr or it be disconnected??


Well, well as we tested it with my friend on few of java servers (Interlude), once we got disconnect = the connection was simply broken and nothing could be done. And once we got Critical Error. And it just didn't do nothing = protection.


So it really depens on server's protection, you know.

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I will tried and if it work i will give you +1 karma!! beckause with tht you can win at oly 1000000%


Well be sure to try it with your friend in first place.


And obviously this will most likely work on Javas, so do not try it on official or Celes or servers like that. Hehe, I made me laugh myself.

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