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interlude [L2J Interlude] Mid rate server ~* Fresh Start! *~


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Opened today (01.08.2009).

Exp/sp - 40x

adena - 20x

drop/spoil - 60x



  • NPC buffer provides only basic buffs
  • GMshop up to grade B
  • Instant lvl 40
  • Free C grade gear
  • Friendly and experienced staff
  • Custom event that will take place for two weeks since server start


More info on website http://l2.redu.lt


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Uh yeah i'm having trouble with promoting server. Any tips on that? Thanks for the advice to hide online player count ; )) Our developer team is quite skilled, theres no problem to implement anything in java core/datapack/website/etc. but none of us have the skill to advertise properly :/

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Uh yeah i'm having trouble with promoting server. Any tips on that?


1) buy a good domain

2)Register your server on L2 Top sites like hopzone, gamesites200, etc


Do that.

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