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Bad luck...


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Here you can write-share with us your whorst unlucky time(s). I start...


Well i am fishing atm... And i just lose a big fish :(



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! If you dont have unlucky times dönt reply, keep it CLEAN !



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the most unlucky time for me was when i found 50 euros on the ground..




























































It was fake.

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Holy Crap..I Was fishing too today..Nothing..I Was fishing with ball (balaki - afro) with garida on 2 agistria..And i fucked up to get 8 gopes..



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My most Badly lucky moment... well was when i kick ass to a student of 4 grade (i was 2 grade ^^) and the girl of my dreams sayd the most 3 sad words "I hate you!" :/


Anyway i like another one now :P

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Just a few i remember now:


1) when i almost broke my leg falling down the stairs


2) when i broke 1 of my teeth (i went to dentist and he made me a brand new one :E)


3) when i lost my wallet with 50$


4) when 3 guys beat me up to stole my crappy 80$ cell phone (at least i broke 1 of those guys face xD)


5) we were coming back from a friend house in my father car and a guy hit us with his (low speed, other wise i would be dead)


last one i remember now


6) i was with out shoes and i walk over a tack it was on the floor (f@ck me, that one hurt like a son of a bi@t(=!"·&% =D)


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Just a few i remember now:


1) when i almost broke my leg falling down the stairs


2) when i broke 1 of my teeth (i went to dentist and he made me a brand new one :E)


3) when i lost my wallet with 50$


4) when 3 guys beat me up to stole my crappy 80$ cell phone (at least i broke 1 of those guys face xD)


5) we were coming back from a friend house in my father car and a guy hit us with his (low speed, other wise i would be dead)


last one i remember now


6) i was with out shoes and i walk over a tack it was on the floor (f@ck me, that one hurt like a son of a bi@t(=!"·&% =D)




And you are still alive ?? or maybe are you a ghost T.T


Anyway to bad luck xDDDD



Hmmmm a bad luck i though was ... wen i was 9yer old kiddo ... a child .... hit me with a stone in my head... it hurts jajajaja ;P



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Just a few i remember now:


1) when i almost broke my leg falling down the stairs


2) when i broke 1 of my teeth (i went to dentist and he made me a brand new one :E)


3) when i lost my wallet with 50$


4) when 3 guys beat me up to stole my crappy 80$ cell phone (at least i broke 1 of those guys face xD)


5) we were coming back from a friend house in my father car and a guy hit us with his (low speed, other wise i would be dead)


last one i remember now


6) i was with out shoes and i walk over a tack it was on the floor (f@ck me, that one hurt like a son of a bi@t(=!"·&% =D)



Conclusion : Lawl god hates you a lot huh?

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Conclusion : Lawl god hates you a lot huh?


M.. i dont think so, i also had really good lucky times, like when i found a wallet with 500 U$D in Brasil or when i found a 300$ cellphone on a netcafe circlet.gif



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