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1 more thing .. The Buffer ... When you click Heal it cancels all your buffs .. Fix it or just rename it....


EDIT : More things show up :D Again in the newbie farm zone .. Mobs are reducing your MP ( that sucks - coz 1 pot recover 200 mp [ you need to spam Mp pots 24/7 - just make them recover 5k Mp ] ) and they cast Paralyze .


if u want an alive server for a long time descrease or delete the donations.

after sometime when u will have more players in your server add again donations but FFS with balance stats.


mp pots sux, lol Overpower donators, crazy stats... low community ;/


and now it's offline :3

overpowered doantor is sayed on this topic 10times.if the community low nobody would go donate so dont worry.If you want play join the.If you think nah dontor are crazy dont join then.And dont make 20post cry about daontor.


People, i don't like servers with donates (really annoying seeing overpowered people - better than you).

Some of them are not even donators.They are just admin's/gm's friends.

I would think deeply to join this server (i saw many replies so it may be good).



Sorry for the Downtime , i was needed to make Hardware Update , so now database server is: Dual Processor Xeon 3.600Ghz , 16Gb of RaM ECC . btw , Forum online ...join website , click community , and register.


Donator Items STATS  - LOWERED - so dont cry  :o

Now i work on fixin` all the other bugs , so if u notice any please post it

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