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Ench skill without Book Of Giants

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I had see that in another forum and I think can write here so let's start

1. Turn On Hlapex

2. Turn On l2

3. Get 78 lvl and eny 3rd class

4. Go ench skill

5.Turn Capture

6.Ench chosed skill

7. Go Back to hlapex

8.turn off capturing

9. Search like ench skill ... like this

U Can find number 60

So change 60 to 70

Get change? skill is +12 100% without book :P

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I have posted that again, anyway...


*Load hlapex

*Go to /hlapex/data/scripts/

*Choose one file (.pas) and edit it, delete the code inside and paste your script

*Go to hlapex, press load, choose the script

*Load l2.exe

*Before using login, press CALL INIT on hlapex

*Go IG and see if it is working...


For everything there is THE ALMIGHTLY SEARCH BUTTON!!!

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Omg THXU DUDE +1karma for him lol :D


STOP POSTING DUMP AFFERMATIONS !!!! Members CAN'T ASK +1 Karma for other Members !!!!  This is a Moderator Work.

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Dear, If You Used the Search Button, Was the same.


Btw, Let's Work : This topic Was already Posted From CCCrisDEAD.


For the Proof : see here http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3510.0


That Mean : TOPIC LOCKED !!

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