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[Request]CS 1.6 movie cfg


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There's no need for all the different F buttons bound to startmovie. Just use a simple alias:

bind f12 "endmovie"
bind f11 "srtmv"
alias srtmv "startmovie z1 90; bind f11 srtmv1"
alias srtmv1 "startmovie z2 90; bind f11 srtmv2"
alias srtmv2 "startmovie z3 90; bind f11 srtmv3"
alias srtmv3 "startmovie z4 90; bind f11 srtmv4"
alias srtmv4 "startmovie z5 90; bind f11 srtmv5"
alias srtmv5 "startmovie z6 90; bind f11 srtmv6"


This way you simply hit F11 whenever you want to start a new movie, without the fear that you may be overwriting something because you forgot which F# button you recorded to.


And, like your config.cfg, make your movie.cfg read only, so you don't have to keep changing commands back and forth between the two.


source : http://www.gotfrag.com

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Does any script like this exists for CSS?


//Start Record and End Record F9 and F10


bind f9 "starta"
alias starta "startmovie a;bind f9 startb"
alias startb "startmovie b;bind f9 startc"
alias startc "startmovie c;bind f9 startd"
alias startd "startmovie d;bind f9 starte"
alias starte "startmovie e;bind f9 startf"
alias startf "startmovie f;bind f9 startg"
alias startg "startmovie g;bind f9 starth"
alias starth "startmovie h;bind f9 starti"
alias starti "startmovie i"
bind "f10" "endmovie"


source www.gotfrag.com


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:O Movie request??Infected is in the house ^^


CS 1.6 Movie CFG: It removes spectators bars,chatbox,the huds, it only leaves the deathnotices (kills)

Download at: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?den2k4mgzhy

Installation: From everything you get there, change the name of "userconfig.cfg" to "movie.cfg" and copy it in your cstrike>cfg file.

Then launch your game and type in console "exec movie.cfg"


(I haven't tried it yet, but I guess this is how to install it xD)


CSS Movie CFG: From the best Movie CFG I have ever used.You can do the game WHATEVER you want.

Download at: www.infprod.com/downloads/tufcfg.zip

Installation: Copy the movie.cfg to your cstrike>cfg file and then lauch the game.Open console and type "exec movie.cfg" and it will make some changes to your keyes and in console a menu will be shown with ALL the buttons.For using all of the commands I suggest you to sv_cheats 1.


Have fun, hope I helped you guys ;)

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