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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2 WarOfRaces


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Server Informations:

Interlude Client



Server Rates: 2000x Xp 2000x Sp 2000x Adena


Enchant Rate: 65% with +3 safe for all, max +15 (+16 from event)


Karma Drop Rate: 0%


No Custom Items!

Custom PvP/Farm Zones

Custom GM Shop

Custom GateKeepers (normal and for Farm Areas)\

Custom NPC Buffer (3h duration - all buffs)

Custom NPC Noblesse

Custom NPC SubClass

AutoLearn Skills

Auto TvT Event

Olympiad (New Heroes Every week)

Custom Raid Boss for Epic Jewels

Subclass system : 3 non-stackable subclasses on a single char available

Dual-Box Not Allowed

30 Buff Slots


Hardware Information:


AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+

Dual Core


2 x 750 GB SATA II

(Hardware RAID1)




New L2J PvP Server Will Be Open Soon!!! For More Informations Check Our Site: www.war-of-races.com And Forum !!! L

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i think that server is exists..or exists before some months (about 5-6)

if its a new on or a new version of the server then i'll be glad and i will play cause in old one couldnt connect

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No, every player need same chances on start;)

Ok, when you will see your topic going to the 2nd pages you can't say nothing.

Well, ofc i will play in WoR, i like this server, and i want to help, and i don't say these for nothing, i want to help the server.And advertise it before open was a bad move for the server.  >:(

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