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[CS1.6]Glock Script!!!!!


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I found this script and If it works (haven't tried it yet) it's PERFECT for Glock users..


Alias w "wait"
alias 3w "w;w;w"
alias @glk "special; +attack2; 3w; -attack2"
alias +glk "alias _special @glk; @glk"
alias -glk "alias _special"
alias +glkattac "+attack; +glk"
alias -glkattac "-attack; -glk"
alias glck "glckon"
alias glckon "bind mouse1 +glkattac; alias glck glckof"
alias glckof "bind mouse1 +attack; alias glck glckon"
bind "x" "glck"



This script allows you to attack very fast with glock.

first shot will be in Burst Fire Mod, and second will be normal.

Bind x = Enables and disables Fast Glock script.

Copy all to Userconfig.cfg.

Have Fun!!!!!!!





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I will test it and edit my post. But thats not illegal in official matches..so dont try it in CWs etc.. Anyway thanks gonna try it right now.





Yeap it works.It changes automatically from burst fire to semi..

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